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Issue Plesk autoinstaller stuck at site-import


New Pleskian
Server operating system version
AlmaLinux 8.10 (Cerulean Leopard)
Plesk version and microupdate number

I have been enjoying the Plesk one-click auto installer for years. However, today I encountered a problem where the Plesk was stuck on "Installing the package Site Import."

I noticed that Plesk is now using Imunify360 by default, and it was attempting to run a Yum install at the same time as the Site Import installation. This conflict seemed to be the issue. To resolve it, I ran `kill -9 58548` on the parent process of the Imunify360 installer, and then the installation was successfully completed.


curl -L https://autoinstall.plesk.com/plesk-installer | bash plesk-installer install PLESK_18_0_66 --preset Recommended --without imunify360
Thank you very much for the report! It will save me a lot of time, as I'm also using the Plesk one-click auto installer.

Did you use the following command?

sh <(curl https://autoinstall.plesk.com/one-click-installer || wget -O - https://autoinstall.plesk.com/one-click-installer)
I tried this myself with the above command and installation completed without any issues.

Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/postfix.service → /usr/lib/systemd/system/postfix.service.
===> Cumulative Plesk upgrade (final stage) has been started.
===> Preparing Plesk upgrade (final stage).
===> Cumulative upgrade of Plesk (final stage) has been completed.
Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/sw-cp-server.service                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              → /usr/lib/systemd/system/sw-cp-server.service.
Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/psa.service → /usr/l                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ib/systemd/system/psa.service.
Enabling dnf perl module to suppress warnings on dnf perl-DBD-MySQL module depen                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             dency
===> Configuring ProFTPD server
Installing the package Git
Installing the package WP Toolkit
Installing the package Advisor
Installing the package SEO Toolkit
Installing the package Imunify
Installing the package SSL It!
Installing the package Let's Encrypt
Installing the package Repair Kit
Installing the package PHP Composer
Installing the package Monitoring
Installing the package Log Browser
Installing the package SSH Terminal
Installing the package Site Import
Installing the package Sitejet Builder
Installing the package NTP Timesync
Installing the package Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
Launching component and product checkers...
Downloading file pool/PSA_18.0.66_16007/examiners/congratulations.sh: 0%
Downloading file pool/PSA_18.0.66_16007/examiners/congratulations.sh: 100% was f                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             inished.
Downloading file report-update: 0%
Downloading file report-update: 100% was finished.
Downloading file pool/PSA_18.0.66_16007/examiners/py_launcher.sh: 0%
Downloading file pool/PSA_18.0.66_16007/examiners/py_launcher.sh: 100% was finis                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             hed.
Downloading file pool/PSA_18.0.66_16007/examiners/save-installation-info.php: 0%
Downloading file pool/PSA_18.0.66_16007/examiners/save-installation-info.php: 10                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             0% was finished.
Downloading file pool/PSA_18.0.66_16007/examiners/php_launcher.sh: 0%
Downloading file pool/PSA_18.0.66_16007/examiners/php_launcher.sh: 100% was fini                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             shed.
Components and product check results:
Installation is finished


        The installation has been finished. Plesk is now running on your server.
Hello, @peter21581. Thank you for your report. I also attempted to reproduce the issue on AlmaLinux 8.10, but the installation went through without an issue. Have you done anything specific during the installation and was it performed on a clean server?

If possible, please provide us with step-by-step guide on how we can reproduce the issue. Thank you in advance.
Also, @peter21581 would you mind checking the auto-installer logs and sharing the content of /var/log/plesk/install/autoinstaller3.log with us? In case you don't mind, you can send it to me in private conversation if more convenient.