Today I have released my "Plesk Auto Email" software. Written in php and using mysql and cron, you can offer email to your users. They have the ability to edit their passwords, account info, and even retrieve lost passwords. Admin has God power to edit, delete, ban users, and upgrade accounts. Offers your users the ability to purchase extra storage space with PayPal IPN.
LIVE DEMO IS AVAILABLE. Uses strict user data validation and offers great ip logging and banning features.
Set up is easy, but requires root to set up 3 cron jobs and root has to chmod 3 scripts to 700 for security reasons.
Easily templated with one tag!
LIVE DEMO IS AVAILABLE. Uses strict user data validation and offers great ip logging and banning features.
Set up is easy, but requires root to set up 3 cron jobs and root has to chmod 3 scripts to 700 for security reasons.
Easily templated with one tag!