• Please be aware: Kaspersky Anti-Virus has been deprecated
    With the upgrade to Plesk Obsidian 18.0.64, "Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Servers" will be automatically removed from the servers it is installed on. We recommend that you migrate to Sophos Anti-Virus for Servers.
  • The Horde webmail has been deprecated. Its complete removal is scheduled for April 2025. For details and recommended actions, see the Feature and Deprecation Plan.

Plesk has 2 php.ini Files???



Hi Everyone,

I am new to the forum, new to plesk, new to VPS, as green as one can get I guess. Anyway, I ran into some trouble with php.ini. It seems I have two php.ini files. This seems quite strange to me. One is located in /usr/local/psa/admin/conf/ the other is located in /etc. I had been using the /etc one to make changes to safe_mode, open_basedir, includepath, etc. Then one day I tried to install my new digital certificate as the server certificate using the "secure control panel" button. Plesk crashed after clicking the "secure control panel" link. My host told me the cause of the crash is that there are two php.ini files, although I still do not know what this has to do with SSL. Anyway, the certificate is another issue. My question right now is why are there two php.ini files and which should I be using? I am trying to set up php to access a folder for all my php includes that is outside the public httpdocs directory. It was working fine when I had things set-up in httpdocs. But now I have my certificate, I have moved everything to httpsdocs and things do not work. Any ideas?

actually Plesk panel itself uses separate apache server copy for Plesk Control Panel PHP.

to host web sites you use server php (from vendor) distributive. So, there are really 2 php.ini files. As I undersatnd you need to modify Plesk phph.ini file (/usr/local/psa/admin/conf/) to take changes.
Thanks Unika. So I guess then I can assume /etc/php.ini can be left alone and that /usr/local/psa/admin/conf/php.ini takes precedence over the other. Will try if changes to this file only will work. Thanks!
Ok, it is definitely NOT "/usr/local/psa/admin/conf/php.ini". Modified this, restarted plesk, plesk crashed without me being able to access Server, Domains, Clients, Desktop, Modules, or Sessions. Instead when I click either of these links, i just get a "The website cannot display the page" error. So, uploaded the backup php.ini, restarted plesk in Virtuozzo > System Services, everything is fine. Anyone else know about this?
/usr/local/psa/admin/conf/php.ini is the php config for the admin panel, don't touch it ...

it depends on your os where the right php.ini is located.
on debian it is "/etc/php5/apache2/php.ini"
Thanks! Yeah I found that out the hard way. In mine it seems to be "/etc/php.ini". As changes in this file seem to affect phpinfo positively. Mind you, I do not even know what debian is. I am running Linux 2.6.9-023stab044.11-enterprise with version psa v8.6.0_build86080910.19 os_CentOS 4.2.
I am on PLESK 9.0
and PHP Version 5.1.6

I have installed 5.2.8 and when i run phpinfo i see still 5.1.6 why i cannot get 5.2.8 that i have installed... why????
anyone please... thanks
On the command line, run this

php -i phpinfo | grep 'Configuration File'

This will tell you where the php looks for the ini file, and which one it uses. Tihs will show you the one that the websites (customers) use.

For a RHEL/CentOS/Fedora based system it will look like
Configuration File (php.ini) Path => /etc
Loaded Configuration File => /etc/php.ini

if you need to modify any global settings for customers, do it in which ever file that command reports back.
Pls help me for find php.ini - I have Plesc Panell 10.3.1 with Debian Os


I use Plesc Panell 10.3.1 for my site and i have Debian Os -and i want make change in php.ini. For moment i have 8 Mb permission upload ,and i want change. Pls help me and tell me how i found the php.ini .I try to found in folder: etc or conf but nothing because is normal protected.
I want my server,i take my server,now i have my server i have any restriction and since it is a root server i have full root
access and can edit php.ini as i want ,BUT I CAN NOT FIND THE php.ini files FOR MAKE CHANGES:

You can help me pls , where i must go in Plesc Panell 10.3.1 for found the php.ini for make change the settings ?

Thanks a lot in advance
read the previous post and do that and you should be able to find your ini file very easily. Or make a php info page yourself and hit it in a browser and you will be able to see the ini file location.
Hi and thanks
Yes ,i made a file test.php for see the php. I saw the info php and the path is : /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini
but how can find and open php.ini because in etc folder i found only 2 files:


Nothing else.And if i enter from Plesk Panell also i see only this file: grup and passwd in folder etc

How i can find php.ini ?

I use Plesc Panell 10.3.1 for my site and i have Debian Os -and i want make change in php.ini. For moment i have 8 Mb permission upload ,and i want change. Pls help me and tell me how i found the php.ini .I try to found in folder: etc or conf but nothing because is normal protected.
I want my server,i take my server,now i have my server i have any restriction and since it is a root server i have full root
access and can edit php.ini as i want ,BUT I CAN NOT FIND THE php.ini files FOR MAKE CHANGES:

You can help me pls , where i must go in Plesc Panell 10.3.1 for found the php.ini for make change the settings ?

Hemorrhoids treatment
php -i phpinfo | grep 'Loaded Configuration File'
Loaded Configuration File => /etc/php.ini