• We value your experience with Plesk during 2024
    Plesk strives to perform even better in 2025. To help us improve further, please answer a few questions about your experience with Plesk Obsidian 2024.
    Please take this short survey:

  • The Horde webmail has been deprecated. Its complete removal is scheduled for April 2025. For details and recommended actions, see the Feature and Deprecation Plan.

Input Plesk user interface


Regular Pleskian
Server operating system version
Debian 12.8
Plesk version and microupdate number
Plesk Obsidian 18.0.66

I received this email this morning:
Your server is unavailable from Plesk 360

Your server elastic-borg.23-88-20-54.plesk.page is unavailable. Usually, this happens when a server is removed or turned off but was not disconnected from Plesk 360.

Review your server connection

If the button does not work, paste the following link into your browser:

If this server is unavailable for 14 days, it will be automatically marked as inactive in Plesk 360. This means it will not be pinged, and the data from this server will be outdated. You can activate your server at any time.

Why should you add your panel servers to Plesk 360?

It’s free, timesaving and secure,

Quick search through all installations by name, email, domain.
It takes seconds to understand which of your panels hosts the needed site.

Secure access to panel installations with multi-factor auth, no need to store server credentials on your side.

360 Monitoring integration
Monitor your sites and servers. Configurable dashboards, easy set-up.

The server has been renamed and is addressed directly via Domainanme:8443. Question, will it still be available after 14 days?
The desktop was installed via webinstaller.
Hello! This message indicates that automatic task was not able to check availability of the server. The automatic check stops examining the server at all after 14 day:

>> Question, will it still be available after 14 days?
This check related only to Plesk 360 appearance. It should not affect your server and it still will be available.