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Issue Plesk won't let me add another mysql server on same server


New Pleskian
Hi Guys,

I have Plesk Onyx on my server with 2 mysql instances (on port 3306 & 6645), but when i am trying to add 6645 DB server, It's not connecting to this new server on new port, instead it's connecting to default 3306 port & saying "access denied" due to wrong password.

Is there any way to tell plesk connect to custom port on localhost instead of default port everytime?.
I have also modified default [client] port to 4505 in /etc/mysql/my.cnf but no change.

Any idea?.
How exactly you are trying to add "6645 DB server"?
In Tools&Settings -> Database Servers -> Add Database Server there is special field for Port Number. Have you entered your custom port here?
what exactly error do you see? Why do you think "It's not connecting to this new server on new port, instead it's connecting to default 3306 port"?
Maybe connect to this MySQL server is allowed only from specific IP addresses?
Hi Guys,

I have Plesk Onyx on my server with 2 mysql instances (on port 3306 & 6645), but when i am trying to add 6645 DB server, It's not connecting to this new server on new port, instead it's connecting to default 3306 port & saying "access denied" due to wrong password.

Is there any way to tell plesk connect to custom port on localhost instead of default port everytime?.
I have also modified default [client] port to 4505 in /etc/mysql/my.cnf but no change.

Any idea?.
Few ideas
1.Is server protected by firewall?If yes..make sure new port is open
2.Is access to mysql server is restricted only from local host?In many cases by default conection is restricted only from localhost
3.Also make sure outgoing connection from server from where you are trying to connect is not blocked by firewall
But as I see from error server throw out your problem is probably because wrong password..or mysql root user dont have password at all...
In case when server is connecting to wrong port..or port is blocked..you would probably sow "connection time out" or "connection refused" error