Silver Pleskian
Hello, I call update npm for nodejs extension (02 - How to install npm & manage npm versions | npm Documentation)
# /opt/plesk/node/8/bin/npm install npm@latest -g
After this I get now for
# /opt/plesk/node/8/bin/npm -v
this line
/usr/bin/env: node: No such file or directory
I have remove and install nodejs extension in plesk gui again, but that not fix it. How I can repair it?
Version 6+7 is working fine:
# /opt/plesk/node/7/bin/npm -v
# /opt/plesk/node/8/bin/npm install npm@latest -g
After this I get now for
# /opt/plesk/node/8/bin/npm -v
this line
/usr/bin/env: node: No such file or directory
I have remove and install nodejs extension in plesk gui again, but that not fix it. How I can repair it?
Version 6+7 is working fine:
# /opt/plesk/node/7/bin/npm -v
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