After a long day of work I was changing the permissions on some files and typed by accident chmod 644 /* while logged in as root.
I know, I know, MAJOR screw up. So now all of the directories listed off of my root are now 644 which means I cannot execute any programs at all (including chmod to change them back).
I have a backup from last night and I can restore the server but of course I would rather not have to. My questions.....
How can I chmod the directories back? I have no execute access to chmod, ftp etc.....
I know, I know, MAJOR screw up. So now all of the directories listed off of my root are now 644 which means I cannot execute any programs at all (including chmod to change them back).
I have a backup from last night and I can restore the server but of course I would rather not have to. My questions.....
How can I chmod the directories back? I have no execute access to chmod, ftp etc.....