I believe I have been a client for around 2 years. Maybe closer for 2 1/2 or even 3.
On each occassion when there is a new update and I attempt an upgrade it fails.
I have tried each time to upgrade from 8.2, then 8.3 then 8.4 and it always fails. Now with 8.6 released I would like to upgrade as I am now very uncomfortable in running a depreciated product.
I am also disturbed that something related to the product I am paying for requires me to pay for support. I would understand if it was incidental to Plesk, but the fact that it related entirely to Plesk and I cannot receive support is unsatisfactory, but I guess thats what a business model does for a client.
I am getting this error report:
The hostname on the server is not the one it lists. That was an old IP from nearly 2 years ago. I do not know why it is listed their, is this the cause?
I have *****'d out some information for anonymity.
On each occassion when there is a new update and I attempt an upgrade it fails.
I have tried each time to upgrade from 8.2, then 8.3 then 8.4 and it always fails. Now with 8.6 released I would like to upgrade as I am now very uncomfortable in running a depreciated product.
I am also disturbed that something related to the product I am paying for requires me to pay for support. I would understand if it was incidental to Plesk, but the fact that it related entirely to Plesk and I cannot receive support is unsatisfactory, but I guess thats what a business model does for a client.
I am getting this error report:
Autoinstaller 3.3.0 (build at 2007-12-15 17:42 svn rev. 92085) started at (timezone UTC) Wed Sep 3 11:08:10 2008
Command line args: /usr/local/psa/admin/bin/autoinstaller --enable-xml-output --source-type=plesk --target=/root/psa --select-release-id=PLESK_8_6_0 --notify-email=info@*********.co.uk --install-component=psa-autoinstaller --no-daemon
Try to find rcfile...
Autoinstaller rcfile not found.
Warning! Hostname check failed: Can't bind to socket: Cannot assign requested address
(hostname='www.**********.co.uk', ip=87.***.***.200)
Auto-installer will continue installation.
Opsys detected as: os_name=Linux os_vendor=CentOS version=4.5 arch=x86_64 environment=
Final opsys (with overriding) is: os_name=Linux os_vendor=CentOS version=4.5 arch=x86_64 environment=
Downloading the file products.inf3: 100% done.
Downloading the file plesk.inf3: 100% done.
Downloading the file sitebuilder.inf3: 100% done.
Downloading the file sso.inf3: 100% done.
repository: Get brief packages info for all sources
Checking for installed packages...
readSystemPackagesBrief: execute rpm -qa --queryformat 'F:system_installed_brief_%{NAME}-%{VERSION}-%{RELEASE}.rpm\nN:%{NAME}\nE:%{EPOCH}\nV:%{VERSION}\nL:%{RELEASE}\nA:%{ARCH}\nf:%{INSTALLTIME}\nB:%{BUILDTIME}\nX:\n'
release PLESK_8_1_1 is actual
release PLESK_8_2_0 is actual
release PLESK_8_2_1 is actual
release PLESK_8_3_0 is actual
release PLESK_8_4_0 is actual
release PLESK_8_6_0 is actual
release SB_4_2_3 is actual
release SB_4_2_0 is actual
release SB_4_1_0 is actual
release SB_3_0_2 is actual
release SB_4_0_0 is actual
release SSO_2_0 is actual
release SSO_2_1 is actual
Select best build of PLESK_8_6_0 for current OS
First fit build is current best: PSA_8.6.0/plesk-8.6.0-cos4.3-x86_64.inf3
Select best build: finally choised PSA_8.6.0/plesk-8.6.0-cos4.3-x86_64.inf3
Downloading the file PSA_8.6.0/plesk-8.6.0-cos4.3-x86_64.inf3: 100% done.
repository: Get brief packages info for all sources
Detecting installed product components.
Component base: mode upgrade, installed=1174566484, available=1219410526
Component psa-autoinstaller: mode upgrade, installed=1197719379, available=1215656830
Component php4: mode install, installed=0, available=1216667277
Component postgresql: mode upgrade, installed=1178788550, available=1200311713
Component vault: mode install, installed=0, available=1216667274
Component docs: mode install, installed=0, available=1216667235
Component ppwse: mode install, installed=0, available=1216667248
Component api: mode upgrade, installed=1175674575, available=1219410517
Component pmm: mode upgrade, installed=1175674565, available=1219410521
Component sb-publish: mode install, installed=0, available=1160554003
Component sbm: mode install, installed=0, available=1210144475
Component cf-support: mode upgrade, installed=1174566655, available=1216667262
Component miva: mode upgrade, installed=1174566665, available=1216667266
Component billing: mode install, installed=0, available=1218621008
Component nl-NL-locale: mode install, installed=0, available=1217925546
Component mod-bw: mode install, installed=0, available=1194429716
Component asp: mode upgrade, installed=1174566643, available=1208228622
Component java: mode upgrade, installed=1174566352, available=1216667172
Component mod_python: mode up2date, installed=1108684088, available=1108684088
Component ruby: mode upgrade, installed=1174566661, available=1216667264
Component fcgi: mode up2date, installed=1160388573, available=1160388573
Component psa-firewall: mode upgrade, installed=1174566344, available=1216667169
Component psa-vpn: mode install, installed=0, available=1216667231
Component psa-fileserver: mode upgrade, installed=1179168783, available=1216667163
Component sshterm: mode install, installed=0, available=1216667129
Component watchdog: mode upgrade, installed=1174566625, available=1216667253
Component cs-gs: mode install, installed=0, available=1216667167
Component battlefield: mode upgrade, installed=1174566597, available=1216667242
Component bf2: mode install, installed=0, available=1216667261
Component mailman: mode upgrade, installed=1174566647, available=1216667259
Component kav: mode install, installed=0, available=1216667270
Component drweb: mode upgrade, installed=1174566302, available=1216667148
Component spamassassin: mode upgrade, installed=1174566361, available=1216667175
Component rblsmtpd: mode upgrade, installed=1174566356, available=1216667173
Component backup-ded: mode upgrade, installed=1175674569, available=1219410519
Component atis: mode install, installed=0, available=1214312444
Component de-DE-locale: mode upgrade, installed=1174825695, available=1217925532
Component ja-JP-locale: mode upgrade, installed=1174825720, available=1216193043
Component es-ES-locale: mode install, installed=0, available=1216193035
Component ru-RU-locale: mode install, installed=0, available=1216193052
Component fr-FR-locale: mode upgrade, installed=1174825711, available=1216193038
Component it-IT-locale: mode upgrade, installed=1174825717, available=1216193040
Component zh-CN-locale: mode upgrade, installed=1174825750, available=1216193055
Component zh-TW-locale: mode upgrade, installed=1174825752, available=1216193058
No keyupdate need for component base from version 8.1.1-cos4.build81070322.16 to '8.0'
KeyUpdateChecker::doCheck: no components for check key update
repository: Get full packages info for all sources
Retrieving information about the installed packages...
execute command for generate rpm cache in /tmp:
rpm -qa --queryformat 'F:system_installed_%{NAME}-%{VERSION}-%{RELEASE}.%{ARCH}.rpm\nN:%{NAME}\nE:%{EPOCH}\nV:%{VERSION}\nL:%{RELEASE}\nA:%{ARCH}\nf:%{INSTALLTIME}\nB:%{BUILDTIME}\n[R:%{REQUIRENAME} %{REQUIREFLAGS:depflags} %{REQUIREVERSION}\n][P:%{PROVIDENAME} %{PROVIDEFLAGS:depflags} %{PROVIDEVERSION}\n][P:%{FILENAMES}\nm:%{FILEMODES}\n5:%{FILEMD5S}%{FILELINKTOS}\n][C:%{CONFLICTNAME} %{CONFLICTFLAGS:depflags} %{CONFLICTVERSION}\n][O:%{OBSOLETENAME} %{OBSOLETEFLAGS:depflags} %{OBSOLETEVERSION}\n]X:\n' > /tmp/autoinstaller_system_packages.cache
read cache file
Downloading the file PSA_8.6.0/dist-rpm-CentOS-4.3-x86_64/build-8.6.0-cos4.3-x86_64.hdr.gz: 12%..29%..47%..68%..87%..100% done.
Downloading the file PSA_8.6.0/update-rpm-CentOS-4.3-x86_64/update-8.6.0-cos4.3-x86_64.hdr.gz: 33%..74%..100% done.
Downloading the file PSA_8.6.0/thirdparty-rpm-CentOS-4.3-x86_64/thirdparty-8.6.0-cos4.3-x86_64.hdr.gz: 100% done.
Determining the packages that need to be installed.
Getting packages to installation list:
Get packages to installation from selected component base
Get packages to installation from selected component psa-autoinstaller
Warning: unresolved requires '/usr/bin/lp' from redhat-lsb-3.0-8.EL.i386
Warning: unresolved requires '/usr/bin/lpr' from redhat-lsb-3.0-8.EL.i386
Warning: unresolved requires '/usr/bin/lp' from redhat-lsb-3.0-8.EL.x86_64
Warning: unresolved requires '/usr/bin/lpr' from redhat-lsb-3.0-8.EL.x86_64
Warning: unresolved requires 'dummy-centos-4' from dummy-selinux-openvz-1.0-2.noarch
Warning: unresolved requires 'vzdummyce4' from dummy-selinux-vz-1.0-2.noarch
Warning: unresolved requires '/usr/lib/libodbcinst.so' from java-1.4.2-sun-jdbc-0:
Warning: packages conflict by files detected: package psa-8.1.1-cos4.build81070322.16.x86_64
conflict with package plesk-skins-8.6.0-0.97326.noarch
both have file /usr/local/psa/admin/htdocs/skins/aqua.compact/css/ie.css with different md5 sum.
Warning: packages conflict by files detected: package plesk-skins-8.6.0-0.97326.noarch
conflict with package psa-8.1.1-cos4.build81070322.16.x86_64
both have file /usr/local/psa/admin/htdocs/skins/aqua.compact/css/ie.css with different md5 sum.
Unhappy catched; try to resolve again.
Unhappy catched; try to resolve again.
Unhappy catched; try to resolve again.
The requested package "psa" could not be installed.
Searching problems for the "psa" package.
No suitable solutions were found for the "psa-php-configurator >= 1.4.0" dependency.
The "psa-php4-configurator-1.4.0-cos4.build86080722.01.noarch" package resolves "psa-php-configurator >= 1.4.0".
Searching problems for the "psa-php4-configurator" package.
No suitable solutions were found for the "php-mbstring" dependency.
The "php-mbstring-4.3.9-3.22.12.x86_64" package resolves "php-mbstring".
Searching problems for the "php-mbstring" package.
No suitable solutions were found for the "php = 4.3.9-3.22.12" dependency.
The "php-4.3.9-3.22.12.x86_64" package resolves "php = 4.3.9-3.22.12".
Searching problems for the "php" package.
Packages "php-4.3.9-3.22.12.x86_64" and "php-5.2.6-1.el4.art.x86_64" cannot be installed at the same time
Solution for dependency 'psa-php-configurator >= 1.4.0' is not available.
The following could cause the installation failure:
Packages "php-4.3.9-3.22.12.x86_64" and "php-5.2.6-1.el4.art.x86_64" cannot be installed at the same time
The hostname on the server is not the one it lists. That was an old IP from nearly 2 years ago. I do not know why it is listed their, is this the cause?
I have *****'d out some information for anonymity.