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Search results

  1. enerspace

    Question Customize [global] section of /system/domain/etc/php-fpm.conf

    This file is not the issue. The file located at /opt/plesk/php/7.4/etc/php-fpm.conf is only interesting for the old FPM handler. The problem occurs with the Dedicated FPM Handler: The configuration is not here: /opt/plesk/php/7.4/etc/php-fpm.conf. The new configuration is stored here...
  2. enerspace

    Question Customize [global] section of /system/domain/etc/php-fpm.conf

    The old system had a Global file that could be customized: /opt/plesk/php/8.0/etc/php-fpm.conf In this file the automatically generated files from Plesk were included via: include=/opt/plesk/php/8.0/etc/php-fpm.d/*.conf
  3. enerspace

    Question Customize [global] section of /system/domain/etc/php-fpm.conf

    @IgorG yes! I want to customize the [global] section and not the PHP-FPM pool settings. Here is the entire file that is generated by Plesk and cannot be edited in [global]: ; ATTENTION! ; ; DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE BECAUSE IT WAS GENERATED AUTOMATICALLY, ; SO ALL YOUR CHANGES WILL BE LOST THE...
  4. enerspace

    Question Customize [global] section of /system/domain/etc/php-fpm.conf

    Hello, unfortunately I have not found anything yet. Maybe someone can help us here? Regularly our customizations for PHP-FPM (to increase the stability of PHP-FPM) were done in the following file under [global] section: /opt/plesk/php/7.4/etc/php-fpm.conf. For example, the setting...
  5. enerspace

    Convert CentOS 8 -> AlmaLinux 8 (Version is not specified)

    @IgorG thanks for sorting out.
  6. enerspace

    Convert CentOS 8 -> AlmaLinux 8 (Version is not specified)

    Ok, we found the issue. This is once again a bug in the latest MariaDB rollout from February 12. For example, the version MariaDB 10.6.7 is broken. Better to install MariaDB 10.6.5 at most. The error does not only occur when upgrading to Alma Linux or Rocky Linux but also occurs regularly in...
  7. enerspace

    Convert CentOS 8 -> AlmaLinux 8 (Version is not specified)

    Username: TITLE Convert CentOS 8 -> AlmaLinux 8 (Version is not specified) PRODUCT, VERSION, OPERATING SYSTEM, ARCHITECTURE CentOS 8.5, Plesk Obsidian 18.0.41 Update 1 PROBLEM DESCRIPTION When running the migration script from Almalinux: GitHub - AlmaLinux/almalinux-deploy: EL to AlmaLinux...
  8. enerspace

    Question Why is CPanel so much faster?

    Leave Peter on the left. We will try to solve the problem together with you. Plesk has never been interested in being compared with CPanel. Most of the time the Plesk community reacts negatively to such requests, although it would offer added value to learn from both systems. We know that Plesk...
  9. enerspace

    Issue All Internet pages can not be reached shortly, if the password is changed

    This has solved the problem. Have I correctly understood that the option is normally deactivated, because it is not needed on a dedicated server? Is the forum not there to get help? Thanks for your Information!
  10. enerspace

    Issue All Internet pages can not be reached shortly, if the password is changed

    Hi Peter, i testet the issue on two Servers. Only save without changes. You can adjust this without having to change something in the profile. The error message appears in the browser: 502 Bad Gateway nginx In the err_log file: 2017-02-20 14:26:52 Error 31.16.XXX 32327#0: *696...
  11. enerspace

    Issue All Internet pages can not be reached shortly, if the password is changed

    Is this a solution? This prevents a break in faulty configurations with nginx and restarts nginx without the page goes offline: http://tumblelog.jauderho.com/post/101514948/restart-nginx-with-zero-downtime Nginx -s reload?
  12. enerspace

    Issue All Internet pages can not be reached shortly, if the password is changed

    If a customer changes his system password, all other websites are not available for a certain time. Is there a way to prevent this?
  13. enerspace

    Issue No CIFS mount because the user is changed.

    Why does not the Plesk panel use its own folder for the backup processes? This is clearly an error in the backup folder to change the user rights.
  14. enerspace

    Question Mail uid gid quota question

    I've been dealing with quota. It is noticeable to me that the mails have only one user group. Thus, the actual disk space usage can not be determined. I have also found no way to assign the files to a user. Is it possible to include the values in the hard disk quota?
  15. enerspace

    Issue No CIFS mount because the user is changed.

    Hello, i would like to integrate an external backup space with mount in Plesk. I have already tried several ways. - CIFS - curlftpfs - sshfs All have the same problem that Plesk can not change the user at certain processes, and the process will terminate. For example, if the folder...
  16. enerspace

    Resolved MariaDB 10.1 can do 1 million queries per second

    Sorry, I wrote wrong words. But my question was answered. Thank you!
  17. enerspace

    Resolved MariaDB 10.1 can do 1 million queries per second

    When you update MariaDB to 10.1.21? https://mariadb.org/10-1-mio-qps/
  18. enerspace

    Question Slave DNS-Server over internet

    @IgorG I use it for the secondary dns server. I can not connect to the primary server, if the primary server / slave dns only listens on the local ip address. Or is there a better way? Thanks Igor! Edit: The posted code, was integrated on the primary dns server, the target.
  19. enerspace

    Question Slave DNS-Server over internet

    I have solved it now as follows. Apparently the lower part is not overwritten by Plesk. Only some parts of it.
  20. enerspace

    Question Slave DNS-Server over internet

    Hi, I have unfortunately not got any exact information. I have a master DNS-Server with the IP and a secondary DNS-Server with the IP Booth Servers are Plesk Servers. I know how the communication works over rndc but I do not realize how plesk builds the named.conf...