• Hi, Pleskians! We are running a UX testing of our upcoming product intended for server management and monitoring.
    We would like to invite you to have a call with us and have some fun checking our prototype. The agenda is pretty simple - we bring new design and some scenarios that you need to walk through and succeed. We will be watching and taking insights for further development of the design.
    If you would like to participate, please use this link to book a meeting. We will sent the link to the clickable prototype at the meeting.
  • (Plesk for Windows):
    MySQL Connector/ODBC 3.51, 5.1, and 5.3 are no longer shipped with Plesk because they have reached end of life. MariaDB Connector/ODBC 64-bit 3.2.4 is now used instead.
  • The Horde webmail has been deprecated. Its complete removal is scheduled for April 2025. For details and recommended actions, see the Feature and Deprecation Plan.


  1. J

    Automating WordPress Backups with Plesk: Setting Up a Daily Cron Job for each domain

    Hello everyone, I need help setting up a cron job on Plesk to automate daily backups of my WordPress site. I found the command used by Plesk's backup manager in the logs, but when I tried to use it in a cron job, I encountered errors related to task IDs not being found. Here's what I've tried...
  2. Giu

    Resolved API change Cronjobs with CLI (cli/crontab_shell/call)

    Hello Forum, i want to know how can i set and get cronjobs via api xml or json. i thought about using /api/v2cli/crontab_shell/call the command reference for this is: { "allowed_commands": { "update": { "name": "update", "info": "Updates crontab shell at...
  3. C

    Issue Specific Scheduled Task (cronjob) isn't working

    We are having a problem with a specific Scheduled Task in Plesk. It's strange, because it works for a while and then fails for a while. And it works perfectly when run manually. The task runs daily at 06:00, it's run by the subscription user (not root), it's a "Fetch an URL" task type and it...
  4. Z

    Question How to change the PHP that runs Cronjobs

    I'm running Nextcloud on PHP 8.0. But Cronjob is running on PHP 7.4. How can I get Cronjob to run on PHP 8.0?
  5. Noc Host4biz

    Resolved Segmentation fault when run cagefsctl

    Hello everyone! We have some strange things. When run this cron job: /usr/share/cagefs-plugins/install-cagefs-plugin.py --cronupdate We have this error: /bin/sh: line 1: 2002448 Segmentation fault /usr/bin/ionice -c 3 /usr/sbin/cagefsctl --skip-php-reload --setup-cl-selector >...
  6. AbramS

    Input Cloudflare Whitelist Scripts for Fail2ban and NGINX

    While migrating my Plesk server due to an OS upgrade last year, I pulled together the scripts that I wrote/modified and added some better documentation. I figured I would share these here, as there are probably some among you that can benefit from them. Hope it's helpful. Note: I've added links...
  7. P

    Resolved Facing Problem run cron job

    Hi, How can I run cron job every min, 2 min, 3min, 10min, 2 min, every hour, and once a day? I'm facing an error when I run the command. I attached a screenshot. I would love to hear from you soon. Best Joynul
  8. L

    Question "Cronjob" field not shown

    Dear all, a client is searching the possibility of creating a new cronjob. Usually it's no problem, but the field "Geplante Aufgaben" (german) isn't shown on the controlling-panel of domains. As Serveradmin I can see the field, but as customer I don't. I don't find any settings to solve...
  9. R3DC0D3

    Issue CronJob Subdomain

    Hi there, I searched and can't find right solutions. I have Cronjob, list below. Update Sitemap: wget -O /dev/null http://domain.com/cron/update-sitemap Check Scheduled Posts...
  10. T

    Question Repair Kit Automatically every 12 hours

    Hello, is it possible to execute the repair kit of plesk via cronjob, so the server gets to all things: 1.) Restart Processes 2.) Free Up Some Disk Space 3.) Free Up Memory 4.) Restart Server This would ideally work via Cronjob every 12 hours. By the way it's NOT THE PLESK REPAIR UTILITY I...
  11. D

    Question How to enable scheduled Task in plesk for customer

    Hi, in our plesk does not exist scheduled task in customer panel. Can you help us to find this option (for cronjobs) and prepare this function for users? That should be notted Scheduled task link is available in the panel when we logged as administrator BUT when go to customer panel can't see...
  12. Santy Abreu

    Issue Many cronjob hourly problems after upgrade to obsidian

    Hi friends I'm worried about this issue after upgrading a productive server from Onyx to Obsidian in Centos 7 Linux. The process was fine (doing some adjustements after upgrade) but every hour I get this email from cronjob that worries me: /etc/cron.hourly/plesk-php-cleanuper: Failed loading...
  13. M

    Question Cronjob for Matomo Autoarchiving

    Hello folks, does anyone have any experience on how to set up a working cronjob for Matomo autoarchiving in Plesk Obsidian? My current cron job: Task type: Execute PHP script Script path: httpdocs/console with arguments: core:archive --url=https://matomo.meine-domain.de/ >...
  14. Julian Johannsen

    Question Cronjob to update/sync Slave DNS Manager manually (automated)

    Dear Pleskians, we have following Setup: Master / Plesk / DNS Master (Debian 9, Plesk Onyx 17.x), HOST.XYZ.TLD Slave DNS only Bind9 (Debian 9), NS1.XYZ.TLD Slave DNS only Bind9 (Debian 9); NS2.XYZ.TLD If we create a Domain on our Plesk-Server (Hosting Edition), Plesk create the DNS zones for...
  15. Brujo

    Resolved php sessions files not deleted under ubuntu

    Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS‬ Product Plesk Onyx Version 17.5.3 Update #42 Several versions of php handler On my ubuntu system the /var/lib/php is fast growing with thousends of session files which does not get deleted, indeed there was so many files that rm was struggling to delete it at once. Well I...
  16. J

    Question Cronjobs: User-defined php settings?

    Hi, I have an issue getting user-defined php settings working for cronjob / planned task entries. In detail I want to increase the memory limit for a laravel 5 cronjob. For the customer the php settings the memory limit is already raised (to 512M), but the default limit is at a lower value...
  17. Ruud

    Question Correct syntax for field arguments scheduled task

    What is the correct way to fill in the arguments field when you create a schedule task whit task type Run a PHP script? I would for example set the memory_limit to a higher value but I don't know how to fill it in?
  18. S

    Issue Site is on php 5.6 according to WebGui, but cron runs @ 5.3.3

    Hi, so I have setup Plesk Web Admin edition on my server ( 12.0.18 Update #99 ) I have added my domain XXX.com, and under Hosting settings I have set : PHP support ( Run PHP as FastCGI Application , PHP version 5.6.30 ) Now everything works dandily fine, but I use Blesta ( a billing portal...
  19. C

    Question cronjobs

    Hello I have some cronjobs in my config. What did the do? 15 1 * * * /opt/psa/libexec/modules/watchdog/cp/pack-sysstats day 0 1 * * 1 /opt/psa/libexec/modules/watchdog/cp/send-report weekly 15 1 1 * *...
  20. O

    Question Cronjob Plesk Apache Restart ?

    Hello Guys , i have a little question for example i would like to restart the Apache 2 Webserver of plesk every 4 Days at 12:00 at night . How i can make it ? I have a : - Ubuntu System 14.04 LTS - Ican restart my webserver with /etc/init.d/apache2 restart Crontab -e look actually bellow ...