• Hi, Pleskians! We are running a UX testing of our upcoming product intended for server management and monitoring.
    We would like to invite you to have a call with us and have some fun checking our prototype. The agenda is pretty simple - we bring new design and some scenarios that you need to walk through and succeed. We will be watching and taking insights for further development of the design.
    If you would like to participate, please use this link to book a meeting. We will sent the link to the clickable prototype at the meeting.
  • The Horde webmail has been deprecated. Its complete removal is scheduled for April 2025. For details and recommended actions, see the Feature and Deprecation Plan.
  • The ImunifyAV extension is now deprecated and no longer available for installation.
    Existing ImunifyAV installations will continue operating for three months, and after that will automatically be replaced with the new Imunify extension. We recommend that you manually replace any existing ImunifyAV installations with Imunify at your earliest convenience.


  1. A

    Question Install php 7.2 on plesk

    Good morning, I cannot insert php version 7.2 and above into the Install or Update Plesk platform
  2. S

    Issue PHP-FPM - Sleeping

    Seem to have a few problems where it appears that despite all websites being set to their own Dedicated PHP-FPM application served by Apache, when one of the sites locks, it seems to lock all the other websites and we get Error: upstream timed out (110: Connection timed out) while SSL...
  3. A

    Issue Should I use nginx as a proxy for WAMP?

    I build a chat application based on WebSocket. As backend I use PHP and nginx as a proxy for WebSocket connection. Searching about PHP libs for WS gave me Ratchet. This tools support WAMP protocol. Something about it: [redacted] Well, I've decided to use this protocol - it seems useful. I...
  4. V

    Issue plesk rest api client's domain

    i am using plesk rest api with php . i can creating client and i can creating subdomain . But when i check on panel my client doesn't have my created domain and when i check domain details it isn't belong my created client . How can i resolve this ?
  5. LionKing

    Question Quick question..

    Hi, sinceI'm nw to Plesk I am not familair with all system generated files and our detection system found a file public_html/.php-ini and .php-ini is dot php.ini a Plesk generated file that just points the the real php.ini file? It does point to /var/www/vhosts/system/domainname.xyz/etc/php.ini...
  6. P

    Resolved How to Check Plesk Wordpress Cron Firing?

    Hello, I activated the cron tool (Take over wp-cron.php) from the WP Toolkit page on Plesk. Running the wp-cron.php file after the specified time has expired. I want to check if this request exists in the index.php file in the wp-content folder. So, when this file is executed by plesk, I want...
  7. M

    Issue Error openssl_pkey_get_private returning false

    Hello, I've have a problem when I call my Salesforce API, this function "openssl_pkey_get_private" return false. The key is well installed and fully functionnal. The dev who I work with doesn't have this problem on a OVH mutualise server.
  8. D

    Input How to run Magento 2 on Plesk Obsidian 18 without Docker

    This guide is about how to install and run Magento 2.4x on Plesk without Docker. Our example domain will be "example-magento.com" make sure you replace this detail to the domain where you would like to set-up the magneto site. We won't cover the installation of the required components, by...
  9. V

    Question How to install wkhtmltopdf via plesk?

    Anyone out there know how to install wkhtmltopdf via plesk. I didnt find any extensions to install this package. Another way is to install via binary. Have anyone here done that before? I am working on an old web application which is using laravel 5.8. I am a new developer for this website and...
  10. J

    Resolved Plesk not reloading service of custom PHP handler

    I have a strange issue with a custom PHP-FPM handler I added. Mostly, it's working perfectly, except for the issue below: When I switch a domain's PHP handler from my custom handler to another one, my custom handler's systemd service is not being reloaded. As a result, the service does not...
  11. A

    Resolved How to access MySQL customer tables on Windows?

    Hello, We are developing an extension for Plesk in PHP and we have need of interacting with WordPress databases on Customer domains. On Linux, we have been using the pm_Bootstrap::getDbAdapter() to make all of our requests using PDO. On Windows, however, the adapter could not interact with the...
  12. B

    Issue Can't redirect to the updates

    Hello, community. I need the urgent help. I am going to change the php version to latest, but I can't find new version. So I am going to update the php via the plesk's updates. But I can get the "ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT", and can't redirect to the updates page. I appreciate for solving...
  13. A

    Issue Wordpress website "redirected too many times" problem but only homepage url

    Hi, everyone I recently migrated my website from one host to another host (fastpanel to plesk), using updraftplus plugin website migrated successfully but the website homepage URL shows "too many redirects"` the problem is the only homepage url is not working specifically but all my website...
  14. DigitalSplendid

    Resolved PHP version for Web Admin Se Edition

    Using Web Admin Se Edition that comes for free with AWS Lightsail. Getting this error message: Outdated PHP version detected. PHP version used by this site has reached End Of Life and is not supported by PHP team anymore. Using outdated PHP versions poses a security risk for your website...
  15. D

    Resolved High CPU and terrible performance with Wordpress sites with PHP 7.4.33

    Hi all, Just sharing this here in case it is affecting someone else. Since the upgrade to PHP-FPM 7.4.33 all wordpress sites and very slow and extremely cpu intensive. Downgrading those sites to php 7.3.33 (that is "deprecated") speeds them up again. I'm talking about that a TTFB in 7.3 of 1s...
  16. B

    Issue Error while backups running

    Hi, i get this error "Der Grenzwert der Speicherauslastung durch Apache und PHP-FPM wurde überschritten" (its german) while plesk running backups. how can i fix this?
  17. F

    Resolved what php version plesk support from OS?

    Hi all, I just need to know what kind of version plesk support for cloudlinux os 8? I mean there are many version this OS support: 5.4,,7.2,7.4; if i install on my cloudlinux 8 system the version of php5.4 and 5.6, in addition to those offered by plesk repos, then plesk allows me to use...
  18. W

    Resolved Cannot create physical hosting in new subscription

    Hello guys, I cant create new customers AND subscription but I also cannot create a new subscription for my Administrator. I can add a new domain. Thats my error: hosting update is failed: cObject->update() failed: Einige Felder sind leer oder enthalten einen ungültigen Wert. ('php' = 'one')...
  19. G

    Issue Problem loading some images when the site is accessed for the first time (no cache) but the same images are loaded when reloading the page.

    Several domains for some reason are having several image loading problems, but they all have the same behavior: On first access (without cache) some images are not loaded correctly, however when reloading the page the images are displayed. In several ways I looked for some way to try to...
  20. paulmac

    Issue php-cgi.exe used high CPU usage

    I have a server which is reporting high CPU usage, the process causing this is php-cgi on a particular domain. I have had a few problems with this domain, when I first transferred it, Immunify reported many problems and I have been sorting out the problems over the past few weeks. Ie removing...