• Please be aware: Kaspersky Anti-Virus has been deprecated
    With the upgrade to Plesk Obsidian 18.0.64, "Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Servers" will be automatically removed from the servers it is installed on. We recommend that you migrate to Sophos Anti-Virus for Servers.
  • The Horde webmail has been deprecated. Its complete removal is scheduled for April 2025. For details and recommended actions, see the Feature and Deprecation Plan.

Issue Blank Login Page after upgrading toi Obsidian 18.033


New Pleskian
Hi everybody,

i face a problem with my automatically updated Plesk to Obisidan
All three websites, mail service and so on are up and running.

When i try to log into Plesk Administration on https://SERVERIP:8443 it redirects me to https://SERVERIP:8443/login_up.php?success_redirect_url=/ but gives a blank page,
The sw-cp-server is up and running and connected to Port 8443. Server has been rebooted so there are no hung up processes.
When i take a look at the source code of the login_up.php the browser receives it looks fine, with some refs to javascripts which are available too and a big line with CDATA code starting with [PLESK.run.....
But no browser i checked so far does display a thing, Firefox, Chrome, Konqueror, all give an empty Page.

I found other webpages with "plesk blank screen" issues but none seem to be similiar to my problem.

Any ideas?
Have all upgrade steps been completed without errors?
Have you tried
# plesk repair installation
First of all thanks for the really quick reply!

Yes, i tried "plesk repair install" which run without any error but with some package warnings. (I did an OS upgrade before to have the latest patches attached). I wondered about the packages which could not be found because Ubuntu 18.04 is supported by Obisidian Obisidian OS Requirements

Yesterday evening i tried the Plesk mobile app which also works fine, i could log into all websites that i host and i got no errors.

plesk repair log:
Reconfiguring the Plesk installation
Started bootstrapper repair procedure. This may take a while.
Certain actions may be skipped if not applicable.

Downloading file SITEBUILDER_17.8.12/sitebuilder-17.8.12-deball-all.inf3: 0%
Downloading file SITEBUILDER_17.8.12/sitebuilder-17.8.12-deball-all.inf3: 100% was finished.
WARNING:Skip fixing 'php-ioncube-loader': Cannot find deb-archive for package php-ioncube-loader (10.4.5-v.ubuntu.18.04+p18.0.33.0+t201209.1022)
WARNING:Skip fixing 'plesk-libboost-1.65': Cannot find deb-archive for package plesk-libboost-1.65 (1.65.1-ubuntu.18.04.180516.0339)
WARNING:Skip fixing 'plesk-libboost-atomic1.65': Cannot find deb-archive for package plesk-libboost-atomic1.65 (1.65.1-ubuntu.18.04.180516.0339)
WARNING:Skip fixing 'plesk-libboost-chrono1.65': Cannot find deb-archive for package plesk-libboost-chrono1.65 (1.65.1-ubuntu.18.04.180516.0339)
WARNING:Skip fixing 'plesk-libboost-date-time1.65': Cannot find deb-archive for package plesk-libboost-date-time1.65 (1.65.1-ubuntu.18.04.180516.0339)
WARNING:Skip fixing 'plesk-libboost-filesystem1.65': Cannot find deb-archive for package plesk-libboost-filesystem1.65 (1.65.1-ubuntu.18.04.180516.0339)
WARNING:Skip fixing 'plesk-libboost-iostreams1.65': Cannot find deb-archive for package plesk-libboost-iostreams1.65 (1.65.1-ubuntu.18.04.180516.0339)
WARNING:Skip fixing 'plesk-libboost-log1.65': Cannot find deb-archive for package plesk-libboost-log1.65 (1.65.1-ubuntu.18.04.180516.0339)
WARNING:Skip fixing 'plesk-libboost-program-options1.65': Cannot find deb-archive for package plesk-libboost-program-options1.65 (1.65.1-ubuntu.18.04.180516.0339)
WARNING:Skip fixing 'plesk-libboost-regex1.65': Cannot find deb-archive for package plesk-libboost-regex1.65 (1.65.1-ubuntu.18.04.180516.0339)
WARNING:Skip fixing 'plesk-libboost-serialization1.65': Cannot find deb-archive for package plesk-libboost-serialization1.65 (1.65.1-ubuntu.18.04.180516.0339)
WARNING:Skip fixing 'plesk-libboost-system1.65': Cannot find deb-archive for package plesk-libboost-system1.65 (1.65.1-ubuntu.18.04.180516.0339)
WARNING:Skip fixing 'plesk-libboost-thread1.65': Cannot find deb-archive for package plesk-libboost-thread1.65 (1.65.1-ubuntu.18.04.180516.0339)
WARNING:Skip fixing 'plesk-liblog4cpp-0.3.5': Cannot find deb-archive for package plesk-liblog4cpp-0.3.5 (0.3.5rc2-ubuntu.18.04.180516.0337)
WARNING:Skip fixing 'plesk-libmariadbclient-1.0': Cannot find deb-archive for package plesk-libmariadbclient-1.0 (1.0.0-ubuntu.18.04.190329.1026)
WARNING:Skip fixing 'plesk-libmariadbclient-3.0': Cannot find deb-archive for package plesk-libmariadbclient-3.0 (3.0.9-ubuntu.18.04.190417.1746)
WARNING:Skip fixing 'plesk-libpoco-1.7.8': Cannot find deb-archive for package plesk-libpoco-1.7.8 (1.7.8p3-ubuntu.18.04.180516.0336)
WARNING:Skip fixing 'plesk-libstdc++6.3.0': Cannot find deb-archive for package plesk-libstdc++6.3.0 (6.3.0-ubuntu.18.04.180517.0422)
WARNING:Skip fixing 'plesk-milter': Cannot find deb-archive for package plesk-milter (8.14.5-ubuntu.18.04.180516.0330)
WARNING:Skip fixing 'pp17.8.11-bootstrapper': Cannot find deb-archive for package pp17.8.11-bootstrapper (17.8.11-ubuntu18.04.build1708191024.16)
WARNING:Skip fixing 'pp18.0.21-bootstrapper': Cannot find deb-archive for package pp18.0.21-bootstrapper (18.0-v.ubuntu.18.04+p18.0.21.5+t191219.2005)
WARNING:Skip fixing 'pp18.0.23-bootstrapper': Cannot find deb-archive for package pp18.0.23-bootstrapper (18.0-v.ubuntu.18.04+p18.0.23.4+t200206.1432)
WARNING:Skip fixing 'pp18.0.24-bootstrapper': Cannot find deb-archive for package pp18.0.24-bootstrapper (18.0-v.ubuntu.18.04+p18.0.24.0+t200207.1734)
WARNING:Skip fixing 'pp18.0.25-bootstrapper': Cannot find deb-archive for package pp18.0.25-bootstrapper (18.0-v.ubuntu.18.04+p18.0.25.2+t200325.1928)
WARNING:Skip fixing 'pp18.0.26-bootstrapper': Cannot find deb-archive for package pp18.0.26-bootstrapper (18.0-v.ubuntu.18.04+p18.0.26.0+t200410.1427)
WARNING:Skip fixing 'pp18.0.29-bootstrapper': Cannot find deb-archive for package pp18.0.29-bootstrapper (18.0-v.ubuntu.18.04+p18.0.29.3+t200825.2156)
WARNING:Skip fixing 'pp18.0.30-bootstrapper': Cannot find deb-archive for package pp18.0.30-bootstrapper (18.0-v.ubuntu.18.04+p18.0.30.2+t200930.1355)
WARNING:Skip fixing 'pp18.0.31-bootstrapper': Cannot find deb-archive for package pp18.0.31-bootstrapper (18.0-v.ubuntu.18.04+p18.0.31.3+t201209.0155)
WARNING:Skip fixing 'pp18.0.32-bootstrapper': Cannot find deb-archive for package pp18.0.32-bootstrapper (18.0-v.ubuntu.18.04+p18.0.32.2+t201217.1925)
WARNING:Skip fixing 'psa-pear': Cannot find deb-archive for package psa-pear (1.10.5-20180124.ubuntu18.04.18061312)
WARNING:Skip fixing 'sw-engine-cli-2.24': Cannot find deb-archive for package sw-engine-cli-2.24 (2.24.14-ubuntu.18.04.191128.1322)
WARNING:Skip fixing 'sw-engine-cli-2.27': Cannot find deb-archive for package sw-engine-cli-2.27 (2.27.6-ubuntu.18.04.200325.1559)
WARNING:Skip fixing 'sw-engine-cli-2.29': Cannot find deb-archive for package sw-engine-cli-2.29 (2.29.0-ubuntu.18.04.200720.1803)
WARNING:Skip fixing 'sw-engine-cli-2.30': Cannot find deb-archive for package sw-engine-cli-2.30 (2.30.1-ubuntu.18.04.200904.1939)
WARNING:Skip fixing 'sw-engine-cli-2.31': Cannot find deb-archive for package sw-engine-cli-2.31 (2.31.0-ubuntu.18.04.200921.1614)
WARNING:Skip fixing 'sw-engine-cli-2.32': Cannot find deb-archive for package sw-engine-cli-2.32 (2.32.0-ubuntu.18.04.201126.1926)

Bootstrapper repair finished.
If problems persist, please check installer logs ('/var/log/plesk/install/plesk_18.0.33_repair.log' and '/var/log/plesk/install/plesk_18.0.33_repair_problems.log') for errors.
If you can't resolve the issue on your own, please address Plesk support.
The two logs of the install and the repair....


  • plesk_18.0.33_installation.zip
    4.2 KB · Views: 1
  • plesk_18.0.33_repair.zip
    1.8 KB · Views: 0
Ok, thanks...

I feared so because it looks a bit weiered to me too...

Vielen Dank nach Berlin aus Koeln ;)
Just as an information for others:

i manually downloaded the plesk installer and removed Plesk, then installed it again but the problem still persists. Both the removal and the installation worked without error. Peter was right, it is a case for the Plesk support unfortunately...

I seem to have a similar issue, so not creating a separate thread.

My hosting provider has given me the plesk login URL https://lion.adnshost.com:8443 (alternate IP But it's giving me just a blackish blank screen on my desktop, with both Firefox Mozilla and Google Chrome.

Oddly, the login screen is opening up fine at my hosting provider's end. It is also opening up fine on my android phone. So my hosting provider is unable to figure out what might be the issue.

I'm using the same internet connection on my phone currently, so we ruled out the ISP issue. After that, we're at a loss. Hoping to get some help here.

I am not very techie, so don't know what other details to give you. My hosting provider said it is Plesk Obsidian for Linux. The title bar on the browser window says "Plesk Obsidian 18.0.33". If you need any other "logs" or something, you'll need to walk me through it, I'm afraid.

Also, even though my hosting provider says repeatedly that browser version is not a concern, I feel that I must mention that both the browsers on my system are not up-to-date, as I'm using an older version of the Windows OS on my desktop and cannot update the browsers further. FYI (in case it is of concern), I have Firefox 52.9.0 (32-bit) and Chrome 49.0.2623.112 m.

All other websites open up fine on my system. (Except for whatsapp web and zoom browser - both of them don't support the browser versions I have anymore.) I am also able to login into the Wordpress dashboard fine.

Can you please look into this issue and tell me what's causing it?

Thanks and regards,
Also, even though my hosting provider says repeatedly that browser version is not a concern, I feel that I must mention that both the browsers on my system are not up-to-date, as I'm using an older version of the Windows OS on my desktop and cannot update the browsers further. FYI (in case it is of concern), I have Firefox 52.9.0 (32-bit) and Chrome 49.0.2623.112 m.
I think this is the root cause of the problem. According to the Software requirements, the browser versions must be the latest.
In my latest version of Chrome, your Plesk opens perfectly.
Reasons for the symptom:
- Browser cache contains an outdated version of a JavaScript file that is needed for that page. Solution: Clear browser cache.
- Browser has a malware plugin installed that redirects part of the page through a third-party server. Solution: Clear your system of viruses.
- Anti-virus solution blocks connections to port 8443 or part of the content. Solution: Open the port in the anti-virus solution.