• Please be aware: Kaspersky Anti-Virus has been deprecated
    With the upgrade to Plesk Obsidian 18.0.64, "Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Servers" will be automatically removed from the servers it is installed on. We recommend that you migrate to Sophos Anti-Virus for Servers.
  • The Horde webmail has been deprecated. Its complete removal is scheduled for April 2025. For details and recommended actions, see the Feature and Deprecation Plan.

BUG: Impossibile to create and use mysql databases' users



BUG: Impossible to create and use mysql databases' users

Hi all,

I am using Plesk 9.2.1 for Windows since May this year, now I have discovered that I am unable create users for the mysql's databases.
The error that CP is returning is:
"Database user name is invalid. Only latin letters are allowed for the database user name"

Here are the parameters I use:
DB name: 2009C_DB
Username is: 2009C_user

The "2009C" is the client's login which is the prefix in the name of database.
The underscore is added automatically by Plesk.
And YES I am aware of the Database Server's Preferences options like:

1. Add user's login name and underscore to the beginning of database names:
(database names will look like <user_login_name>_<database_name>)

2. Add user's login name and underscore to the beginning of database user names
(database user names will look like <user_login_name>_<database_user_name>)

Both options ARE selected.

To the Plesk develepment team if you are reading this forum:
"Have you ever tested this options before release the 9.2.1 version ????"

So, I have tested how the Plesk Panel is working with the option number 2 disabled, here is result:

I am able to create the DB username BUT in phpmyadmin there is no database assigned to the user.
It supposed to be like dbname(0) in the upper left column, but there is nothing there !
which makes the interface phpmyadmin totally unusable for the user.

Next test I have done is to disable options number 1 and 2.
The effect is everything is working as it should, but can you imagine to work with a hundreds of databases and users without the prefixes ?! I don't.

So both options in this case which you can find in "Database Server's Preferences" section ARE NOT WORKING AT ALL.

My setup is:
Windows 2008 Web Server 64bit
Plesk 9.2.1
Mysql 5.1.36-community installed onto separate host

Have anyone resolved this problem ?
Any hints ?

To Plesk Support: Please fix this bug ASAP, because it is 4 months past since the 9.2.1 release and our Windows users can not use MySQL service at all.

Thanks in advance for any suggestion.
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We have here exactly the same problem...

Also we get "No database selected" error when trying to use phpmyadmin when both options (prefix for db name and user) are switched off.

Plesk Support: Please do something with it
otherwise we'll have to take our servers back from production!!