If you create a template and put
Log rotation
by time: Daily
Compress: yes
And then create a domain based in that template what happens is that log rotation is not Daily but by size, 20MB as it seems when it should be as specified as in the template.
I really dont see any reason why to keep paying my SUS. Plesk is not evolving in terms of bug fixing, its increasing its features and keeping old bugs.
Things like AWSTATS, come on man webalizer sucks ! AWSTATS is free and 100 times more powerfull ! what are you waiting SW-SOFT ? to include a payed modules with Urchin Statistics ?
AMAVIS and QMAIL-SCANNER integration still same issue.
After all let ask ourselves, whats important for the hosting companies ? to any company ?
keep costs low recuring to high quality open source products and keep costumers happy.
Why should I pay my SUS if things seem to be stopped in evolution terms !?
My SUS is not installing qmail-scanner, its not providing me AWSTATS ! I should pay my SUS to AtomicRocketTurtle instead !
Joao Correia
Log rotation
by time: Daily
Compress: yes
And then create a domain based in that template what happens is that log rotation is not Daily but by size, 20MB as it seems when it should be as specified as in the template.
I really dont see any reason why to keep paying my SUS. Plesk is not evolving in terms of bug fixing, its increasing its features and keeping old bugs.
Things like AWSTATS, come on man webalizer sucks ! AWSTATS is free and 100 times more powerfull ! what are you waiting SW-SOFT ? to include a payed modules with Urchin Statistics ?
AMAVIS and QMAIL-SCANNER integration still same issue.
After all let ask ourselves, whats important for the hosting companies ? to any company ?
keep costs low recuring to high quality open source products and keep costumers happy.
Why should I pay my SUS if things seem to be stopped in evolution terms !?
My SUS is not installing qmail-scanner, its not providing me AWSTATS ! I should pay my SUS to AtomicRocketTurtle instead !
Joao Correia