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Resolved Can`t delete subscriptions


Basic Pleskian

i cannot remove a sub over the panel or shell...

over the panel i become a timeout after many minutes...

when i use "/usr/local/psa/bin/subscription -r domain.de"
it runs now over 1 hour... and nothing happend....

Did anybody know why it is so?
I delete the files in httpdocs manually before, to not risk a timeout on sub del.
Try to run in the other console command

# plesk log --all

and try to find a reason in logs.
Jun 13 15:44:17 km3**** check-quota filter[12994]: read(fd=0) failed. Bad file descriptor: 9
Jun 13 15:44:17 km3**** plesk sendmail[12993]: handlers_stderr: SKIP
Jun 13 15:44:17 km3**** plesk sendmail[12993]: SKIP during call 'check-quota' handler
Jun 13 15:44:17 km3**** postfix/pickup[7408]: F2B541A****: uid=0 from=<root>
Jun 13 15:44:17 km3**** postfix/cleanup[12999]: F2B541A****: message-id=<********>
Jun 13 15:44:18 km3**** postfix/qmgr[971]: F2B541A****: from=<*******>, size=783, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Jun 13 15:44:18 km3**** postfix/smtp[13001]: certificate verification failed for .........
Jun 13 15:44:19 km3**** postfix/smtp[13001]: F2B541A.....
Jun 13 15:44:19 km3**** postfix/qmgr[971]: F2B541A.........: removed

Thats all, whats happend when i click delete.
Next Logs is Connection, Logout from imapd
==> /usr/local/psa/admin/logs/panel.log <==
ERROR  Errors in jail 'apache-tcpwrapper'. Skipping...<br />
ERROR:f2bmng:Failed to start fail2ban service<br />
<br><a href='?metaId=5aa69***************fc29e03fc0&messageId=3b80b7**************ce637bd649&file=Agent.php&line=243&type=PleskUtilException&message=fbmng+failed%3A+ERROR++Found+no+accessible+config+files+for+%22filter.d%2Fapache-tcpwrapper%22+under+%2Fetc%2Ffailban%0AERROR++No+section%3A+%0AERROR++No+section%3A+%0AERROR++Unable+to+read+the+filter%0AERROR++Errors+in+jail+.+Skipping...%0AERROR%3Afbmng%3AFailed+to+start+failban+service' target='_blank'>Search for related Knowledge Base articles</a>
[2016-05-16 03:41:56] ERR [panel] Task failed: id=1379, pid=28021, type=aps-cache, error=Couldn't resolve host 'catalog.marketplace.parallels.com'
[2016-05-27 03:42:23] ERR [panel] Task failed: id=1401, pid=13227, type=aps-cache, error=connect() timed out!
[2016-05-28 03:42:02] ERR [panel] Task failed: id=1403, pid=24866, type=aps-cache, error=connect() timed out!
[2016-06-14 14:42:04] ERR [util_exec] proc_close() failed ['/usr/local/psa/admin/bin/f2bmng' '--get-jails-list'] with exit code [1]
[2016-06-14 14:42:04] ERR [1] '/usr/local/psa/admin/bin/f2bmng' '--get-jails-list' failed with code 1.


ERROR:f2bmng:No option 'enabled' in section: 'ssh-iptables'

[2016-06-14 14:43:04] ERR [1] hosting update is failed: f2bmng failed: ERROR:f2bmng:No option 'enabled' in section: 'ssh-iptables'

[2016-06-14 14:44:06] ERR [1] Unable to delete physical hosting
[2016-06-14 14:45:07] ERR [panel] hosting update is failed: f2bmng failed: ERROR:f2bmng:No option 'enabled' in section: 'ssh-iptables'<br />
<br><a href='?metaId=c3ad7df62***************1ecf0f7&messageId=c5465d5******************8582&file=Apache.php&line=354&type=PleskFatalException&version=12.5.30&message=hosting+update+is+failed%3A+fbmng+failed%3A+ERROR%3Afbmng%3ANo+option++in+section%3A' target='_blank'>Search for related Knowledge Base articles</a>
[2016-06-14 14:45:59] ERR [util_exec] proc_close() failed ['/usr/local/psa/admin/bin/f2bmng' '--get-jails-list'] with exit code [1]
[2016-06-14 14:45:59] ERR [1] '/usr/local/psa/admin/bin/f2bmng' '--get-jails-list' failed with code 1.


ERROR:f2bmng:No option 'enabled' in section: 'ssh-iptables'
ok, i open /etc/fail2ban/jail.local

and search for the broken entry "ssh-iptables", and add "enabled = false"

Now it works.