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Issue cannot connect to remote mysql form specific docker container


Basic Pleskian
Server operating system version
CentOS Linux 7.9.2009 (Core)
Plesk version and microupdate number
Plesk Obsidian v18.0.64_build1800241008.13 os_CentOS 7
I have created a docker container, which runs in my local network at home.
One runs on synology, the other on a raspberry pi.
I have a database and username which allow remote connections on a database.
When i use the container in my synology or my windows computer, i can connect to the database without a problem.
This rules out any firewall issues in my network or the VPS.
WHen i run on the raspberrypi, the MYSQL states that this user from that host has no access: acces denied.
I have fail2ban enabled, and whitelisted all my IPs and hostnames from the raspberry pi.
When i disable fail2ban, i still have this issue.
However i put it, i can connect to that database with no problem, but on my raspberrypi i connect to the database, MariaDB states 'access denied for user'.
How on earth can i resolve this?