Checking the Plesk database using the native database server tools .. [OK]
Checking the structure of the Plesk database
Extra table: PlanServiceInstallations ............................. [WARNING]
Delete table 'PlanServiceInstallations'? [Y/n] Creating a database dump .. ...................................... [OK]
A dump of the database was created before an attempt to repair the database: /var/lib/psa/dumps/mysql.preresolve.20181211-172523.dump.gz
Deleting table 'PlanServiceInstallations' ....................... [FIXED]
Extra table: PlanServiceProperties ................................ [WARNING]
Delete table 'PlanServiceProperties'? [Y/n] n
Extra table: ServiceInstallationProperties ........................ [WARNING]
Delete table 'ServiceInstallationProperties'? [Y/n] n
Extra table: ServiceInstallations ................................. [WARNING]
Delete table 'ServiceInstallations'? [Y/n] n
Extra table: ServiceInstanceDepends ............................... [WARNING]
Delete table 'ServiceInstanceDepends'? [Y/n] n
Extra table: ServiceInstanceProperties ............................ [WARNING]
Delete table 'ServiceInstanceProperties'? [Y/n] n
Extra table: ServiceInstanceResources ............................. [WARNING]
Delete table 'ServiceInstanceResources'? [Y/n] n
Extra table: ServiceInstances ..................................... [WARNING]
Delete table 'ServiceInstances'? [Y/n] n
Extra table: ServiceLimits ........................................ [WARNING]
Delete table 'ServiceLimits'? [Y/n] n
Extra table: ServicePermissions ................................... [WARNING]
Delete table 'ServicePermissions'? [Y/n] n
Extra table: SSOBranding .......................................... [WARNING]
Delete table 'SSOBranding'? [Y/n] n
Extra table: WebApps .............................................. [WARNING]
Delete table 'WebApps'? [Y/n] n
Extra columns in the table actions: ............................... [WARNING]
- id
- descr
Repair table 'actions'? [Y/n] n
Extra unique key in the table actions: ............................ [ERROR]
- name (name)
Repair table 'actions'? [Y/n] n
Unique key values mismatch in the table 'actions': name in the
original schema and id in the Plesk database ...................... [ERROR]
Repair table 'actions'? [Y/n] n
Wrong attributes for the column 'repository' in the table
'BackupsScheduled': ............................................... [ERROR]
- The attribute 'type' value mismatch:
enum('local','ftp','ext','local-and-ext') in the original
schema and enum('local','ftp') in the Plesk database.
Repair table 'BackupsScheduled'? [Y/n] n
Column remoteStorage is absent in the table BackupsScheduled ...... [ERROR]
Repair table 'BackupsScheduled'? [Y/n] n
Wrong attributes for the column 'val' in the table 'cl_param': .... [ERROR]
- The attribute 'type' value mismatch: varchar(5000) in the
original schema and varchar(255) in the Plesk database.
Repair table 'cl_param'? [Y/n] n
Extra columns in the table disk_usage: ............................ [WARNING]
- webapps
Repair table 'disk_usage'? [Y/n] n
Wrong attributes for the column 'type' in the table 'dns_recs': ... [ERROR]
- The attribute 'type' value mismatch:
in the original schema and
in the Plesk database.
Repair table 'dns_recs'? [Y/n] n
Wrong attributes for the column 'type' in the table 'dns_recs_t': . [ERROR]
- The attribute 'type' value mismatch:
in the original schema and
enum('NS','A','AAAA','CNAME','MX','PTR','TXT','SRV') in the
Plesk database.
Repair table 'dns_recs_t'? [Y/n] n
Wrong attributes for the column 'val' in the table 'dns_recs_t': .. [ERROR]
- The attribute 'type' value mismatch: varchar(512) in the
original schema and varchar(255) in the Plesk database.
Repair table 'dns_recs_t'? [Y/n] n
Wrong attributes for the column 'displayVal' in the table
'dns_recs_t': ..................................................... [ERROR]
- The attribute 'type' value mismatch: varchar(512) in the
original schema and varchar(255) in the Plesk database.
Repair table 'dns_recs_t'? [Y/n] n
Wrong attributes for the column 'val' in the table 'dom_param': ... [ERROR]
- The attribute 'type' value mismatch: varchar(5000) in the
original schema and varchar(255) in the Plesk database.
Repair table 'dom_param'? [Y/n] n
Extra columns in the table event_handlers: ........................ [WARNING]
- action_id
Repair table 'event_handlers'? [Y/n] n
Column action_name is absent in the table event_handlers .......... [ERROR]
Repair table 'event_handlers'? [Y/n] n
Extra index in the table event_handlers: .......................... [WARNING]
- action_id (action_id)
Repair table 'event_handlers'? [Y/n] n
Missing index in the table event_handlers: ........................ [WARNING]
- action_name (action_name)
Repair table 'event_handlers'? [Y/n] n
Extra columns in the table log_actions: ........................... [WARNING]
- action_id
Repair table 'log_actions'? [Y/n] n
Column action_name is absent in the table log_actions ............. [ERROR]
Repair table 'log_actions'? [Y/n] n
Extra index in the table log_actions: ............................. [WARNING]
- action_id (action_id)
Repair table 'log_actions'? [Y/n] n
Missing index in the table log_actions: ........................... [WARNING]
- action_name (action_name)
Repair table 'log_actions'? [Y/n] n
Column hidden is absent in the table Modules ...................... [ERROR]
Repair table 'Modules'? [Y/n] n
Wrong attributes for the column 'value' in the table
'ModuleSettings': ................................................. [ERROR]
- The attribute 'type' value mismatch: varchar(5000) in the
original schema and varchar(2000) in the Plesk database.
- Extra attribute: notNull.
Repair table 'ModuleSettings'? [Y/n] n
Checking the consistency of the Plesk database ...................... [OK]
Error messages: 14; Warnings: 20; Errors resolved: 1
exit status 1