• If you are still using CentOS 7.9, it's time to convert to Alma 8 with the free centos2alma tool by Plesk or Plesk Migrator. Please let us know your experiences or concerns in this thread:
    CentOS2Alma discussion
  • Please beaware of a breaking change in the REST API on the current Plesk release (18.0.62).
    Starting from Plesk Obsidian 18.0.62, requests to REST API containing the Content-Type header with a media-type directive other than “application/json” will result in the HTTP “415 Unsupported Media Type” client error response code. Read more here

convert and restore



We have installed and operated a plesk 8.1 machine. Since the whole procedure is quite critical and we wanted to bring up to date the platform to 9.x.x release, a new windows 2003 server machine has been installed with the new version of plesk running on it. What we wanted to do next, is to bring plesk 8.1 which is now running, on this new machine. In order to do this we have created the backup with the proper utility and brought into the new machine.
Next, we have converted it with pre9-backup-convert.exe, the utility finished the conversion without detecting any problem.
Logging on new plesk, there's a backup available to be restored in Home, Backup Manager.
What we can't understand is why the interface report this error: This file is not a valid backup file. How can I find out what went wrong during the conversion? Is it a clue the fact that the operating machine has a different storage path of plesk and www files? I'll wait for an answer from you on how I can find a solution to this problem.
Let's suppose now that we have managed to succesfully complete the backup on the new machine, plesk recommends to keep the licence up to date. Once we bring it up to date, should any problem occur, the previous plesk 8.1 machine could experience licence issues? How can I avoid such a problem?
[15.26.02] derik78: We have installed and operated a plesk 8.1 machine. Since the whole procedure is quite critical and we wanted to bring up to date the platform to 9.x.x release, a new windows 2003 server machine has been installed with the new version of plesk running on it. What we wanted to do next, is to bring plesk 8.1 which is now running, on this new machine. In order to do this we have created the backup with the proper utility and brought into the new machine.
Next, we have converted it with pre9-backup-convert.exe, the utility finished the conversion without detecting any problem.
Logging on new plesk, there's a backup available to be restored in Home, Backup Manager.
What we can't understand is why the interface report this error: This file is not a valid backup file. How can I find out what went wrong during the conversion? Is it a clue the fact that the operating machine has a different storage path of plesk and www files? I'll wait for an answer from you on how I can find a solution to this problem.
Let's suppose now that we have managed to succesfully complete the backup on the new machine, plesk recommends to keep the licence up to date. Once we bring it up to date, should any problem occur, the previous plesk 8.1 machine could experience licence issues? How can I avoid such a problem?
Just in addition, logs may help to determine the actual reason of the error. You can find logs in Plesk\PMM\sessions\backup date\ folder, pay attention to migration.result file.
