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Country list mysql


New Pleskian
Hello people :)

Someone so know where i can download country list like this:

(1, 'af', 'Afghanistan'),
(2, 'dz', 'Algeria'),
(3, 'ar', 'Argentina'),
(4, 'au', 'Australia'),
(5, 'bd', 'Bangladesh'),
(6, 'br', 'Brazil'),
(7, 'cm', 'Cameroon'),
(8, 'ca', 'Canada'),
(9, 'co', 'Colombia'),
(10, 'dk', 'Denmark'),
(11, 'eg', 'Egypt'),
(12, 'et', 'Ethiopia'),

For all country in the world!
I have search on google but i not find list like this someplace.
I have buyed a script but there is only 110 country but the world have around 249 or something so there missing lot of country in my sql file.