i have thefollowing issue:
Since the update to 18.0.32 I get a warning-Email every morning when the automated Serverbackup-Task finishes.
I have several subdomains on one of my "own" (admin) domains.
Only on two of this subdomains i have Wordpress installed via the Plesk built in Wordpress Toolkit.
Now exactly this 2 subdomains fail to backup, because of the issue quoted above.
When trying to fix this via the command stated in the email I only get the following errormessage:
So how can I sort out this problem?
i have thefollowing issue:
Since the update to 18.0.32 I get a warning-Email every morning when the automated Serverbackup-Task finishes.
<object type="Database" name="wordp***">
<message severity="warning">
<description>The database 'wordp***' belongs to the other subscription 'j***.de' and cannot be backed up. To fix it reassign the database via the command 'plesk bin database --assign-to-subscription wordp*** -domain xyz.j***.de -server localhost:3306'.</description>
I have several subdomains on one of my "own" (admin) domains.
Only on two of this subdomains i have Wordpress installed via the Plesk built in Wordpress Toolkit.
Now exactly this 2 subdomains fail to backup, because of the issue quoted above.
When trying to fix this via the command stated in the email I only get the following errormessage:
"This object can be created only in a subscription."
So how can I sort out this problem?