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Resolved definitions of task used in daily maintenance plesk's command


New Pleskian
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Debian Buster
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Hi does anyone know where to get help about tasks returned by the following command please?
plesk daily -l
Hi thx for the 2 links we found a good start here /opt/psa/admin/plib/DailyMaintainance/Task
Unfortunally there are not a plain text file.
We are looking for something like a Linux manpages for all tasks listed by "plesk daily -l".
Can you help us please?

Best Regards.
These tasks help maintain and optimize Plesk's operations through various administrative and maintenance functions:

- AnalyseClientStatistics: Analyzes traffic and usage statistics for Plesk clients.
- AnalyseDomainStatistics: Analyzes traffic and usage statistics for individual domains.
- AutoresponderEndDate: Manages autoresponders that have an end date set.
- BackupRestoreStats: Gathers statistics on backup and restore operations.
- CheckDomainsResolve: Verifies that domains hosted on the server are resolving correctly.
- CheckForUpdates: Checks for available Plesk updates.
- CheckPostponedFeedback: Checks for user feedback that has been postponed.
- CleanupPanelNotifications: Cleans up old and unnecessary panel notifications.
- ComposerSelfUpdate: Updates the Composer dependency manager.
- ExecuteGlCleaner: Cleans up Global Logs.
- ExecuteSpamtrain: Trains the spam filter based on recent activity.
- ExecuteStatistics: Gathers general usage statistics for Plesk.
- ExecuteWebStatistics: Gathers web statistics for hosted domains.
- InstallSystemPackageUpdates: Installs updates for system packages used by Plesk.
- InstallUpdates: Installs available Plesk updates.
- LoadCustomizations: Loads customizations configured in Plesk.
- MailUsage: Collects and reports email usage statistics.
- OptimizeStatistics: Optimizes storage and calculation of usage statistics.
- PleskUsage: Collects and reports data on Plesk usage.
- ProcessAutoreports: Processes automatic reports generated by Plesk.
- RemoveSpamTempFiles: Removes temporary files created by spam filtering processes.
- ReportProductAgreement: Sends reports on Plesk product agreements.
- ReportTrialAgreement: Sends reports on Plesk trial agreements to Plesk servers.
- ReportUsage: Reports usage data, potentially to external Plesk systems.
- SearchIndex: Updates search indexes for better search performance in Plesk.
- Sitebuilder: Related to SiteBuilder functionality (likely updates or reports).
- StoreProtectedConfigs: Stores backups of protected configuration files.
- UpdateApsApplications: Updates APS applications installed on the server.
- UpdateApsCache: Updates the cache of APS (Application Packaging Standard) applications.
- UpdateKeys: Updates the license keys for Plesk.
- UpdateModSecurityRuleSet: Updates ModSecurity rule sets used for web application firewalls.
- UpdatePhpCurlCertificates: Updates cURL certificates used by PHP for HTTPS requests.
- UpgradeExtensions: Upgrades installed Plesk extensions.
- UpgradePanel: Upgrades Plesk to the latest version.
Thank you it is more clear ;)

After running
plesk daily SomeTasks

No way to check the result?
plesk log --all

Do you know how to set some parameters like cronjob please?

The Plesk Daily Maintenance script is started using the cron.daily:
# ls -l /etc/cron.daily/50plesk-daily

So, I'm not sure what you want to know, as this is a maintenance script that does dozens of things on the server. It involves many log files.
Hi Maarten I checked that file.
We want to know how to run a task once and examine its output.
plesk daily -f CheckDomainsResolve for example cannot be run just for a limited set of domains?
/var/log/plesk/task-manager.log seems to be the only place?

Best regards.
Sorry, I can't answer this question because there is no further documentation for these commands. Maybe someone else can help you?