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Question Disabled "Hosting performance settings management" is ignored when using .user.ini


Regular Pleskian
Server operating system version
Debian 12
Plesk version and microupdate number
18.0.61 #6

If the "Hosting performance settings management" is disabled in a service plan, users can still override settings like memory_limit or max_execution_time, e.g., via the .user.ini file in their subscriptions.

I think many Plesk users disable that feature and believe that clients are not able to raise the limits set, as it can make shared hosting quite unstable. On top of that, sold packages based on those values can easily use more resources than actually allowed.

In our case (Dedicated PHP-FPM), a possible solution would be to set in "/var/www/vhosts/system/domain.example/etc/php-fpm.conf" e.g.:
php_admin_value[memory_limit] = 512M
Instead of using:
php_value[memory_limit] = 512M

Is this intended by Plesk, or am I missing something here before I make a bug report?

As a workaround, we are using automated configuration management to monitor those config files and update them if our changes are overridden by Plesk.
Hi, the customers can use .user.ini files but if that is undesirable behavior, you can set the user_ini.filename setting to an empty string in the corresponding PHP handlers
@Aleksei Fedorov Thanks for your reply, but in this case, all settings made by our clients via .user.ini would not work anymore. This is not an option. Furthermore, clients could still change the value inside PHP scripts with ini_set('memory_limit', '512M'); . Disabling ini_set() completely is also not an option. Actually, php_admin_value seems to be the best way to go. But as mentioned, Plesk prevents us from changing this behavior easily. The whole "Hosting performance settings management" option in the service plans has no real effect other than just disabling the graphical user interface. I think I will make a bug report.