I entered my domain in my client account and set up a vhost, I can Login to the FTP account, but the domain it self does not go into this FTP account. If I delete the index.html in the httpdocs folder, the domain still shows a index.html and I don't where it comes from.
In which folder do I have to setup my website?
Please help me!
I just found out, that all my domains go into the default folder in the same directory as the domains folders are...
How do I root each domain into each right FTP account?
I entered my domain in my client account and set up a vhost, I can Login to the FTP account, but the domain it self does not go into this FTP account. If I delete the index.html in the httpdocs folder, the domain still shows a index.html and I don't where it comes from.
In which folder do I have to setup my website?
Please help me!
I just found out, that all my domains go into the default folder in the same directory as the domains folders are...
How do I root each domain into each right FTP account?