Hello Experts,
Sorry for such a long post, but the error log covers most of the part.
I am trying to restore a domain from my old hosting provider to the new hosting provider. However, I am unable to do this even after trying various options.
Source Server:
Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard SP1
Microsoft Windows 6.1;build-7601;sp1.0;suite272;product3
Parallels Plesk Panel v11.0.9_build20120609.17 os_Windows 2008
1GB free disk space
Destination Server:
Windows Server 2008 R2 Web Edition SP1
Microsoft Windows 6.1;build-7601;sp1.0;suite1296;product3
Parallels Plesk Panel v11.0.9_build20120609.17 os_Windows 2008
20GB free disk space
# 1. I tried creating backup in the old server, at the domain level, via Plesk Panel and downloaded the backup in the new server, uploaded it to the Panel via 'Upload files to the repository' option in the Backup Manager. At this time, the domain created successfully in the vhosts directory, but then the contents were not updated.
# 2. I tried creating backup at the server level, via Plesk Panel, and downloaded the backup in the new server, uploaded it to the Panel via 'Upload files to the repository' option in the Backup Manager. At this time it ends up in the following error:
Error:domain "domainx.com"
Execution of "C:\Program Files (x86)\Parallels\Plesk\bin\domain.exe" --update domainx.com -guid GUID_1 -vendor-guid GUID_2 -creation-date 2011-10-10 -hosting true -hst_type phys -do-not-apply-skeleton -ip <DESTINATION IP> -www-root httpdocs -login ezediet -passwd "" -passwd_type sym -shell "Login Enabled" -ignore-nonexistent-options failed with return code 3.
Stderr is
Data error (cyclic redundancy check). (Error code 23) at BCryptDecrypt()
######### There are 9 such lines #########
Error:domain "domainx.com"
Failed deployment of mail user [email protected]
Execution of "C:\Program Files (x86)\Parallels\Plesk\bin\mail.exe" --create [email protected] -passwd "" -passwd_type sym -mailbox true -mbox_quota 52428800B -ignore-nonexistent-options failed with return code 3.
Stderr is
Data error (cyclic redundancy check). (Error code 23) at BCryptDecrypt()
######### There are 9 such lines #########
Error:hosting "domainx.com"
Execution of "C:\Program Files (x86)\Parallels\Plesk\bin\domain.exe" --update domainx.com -ssl false -iis_app_pool false -err_docs true -maintenance-mode false -webstat awstats -php_handler_type fastcgi -write_modify false -asp.net true -asp.net_version 2.0 -ssi false -ssi_html false -php true -php_version 5 -cgi true -perl true -asp false -python true -coldfusion false -miva false -webdeploy false -max-connections -1 -traffic-bandwidth -1 -log-rotate true -log-compress true -log-max-num-files 10 -log-bysize 204800000B -guid GUID_1 -vendor-guid GUID_2 -creation-date 2011-10-10 -hosting true -hst_type phys -do-not-apply-skeleton -ip <DESTINATION IP> -www-root httpdocs -login ezediet -passwd "" -passwd_type sym -shell "Login Enabled" -ignore-nonexistent-options failed with return code 3.
Stderr is
Data error (cyclic redundancy check). (Error code 23) at BCryptDecrypt()
Error:database user "dbuser"
Failed deployment of database user dbuser of database database
Execution of "C:\Program Files (x86)\Parallels\Plesk\bin\database.exe" --update database -add_user dbuser -type mysql -default -passwd "" -passwd_type sym -ignore-nonexistent-options failed with return code 3.
Stderr is
Data error (cyclic redundancy check). (Error code 23) at BCryptDecrypt()
Could you please help me with this.
Thank you in advance.
Sorry for such a long post, but the error log covers most of the part.
I am trying to restore a domain from my old hosting provider to the new hosting provider. However, I am unable to do this even after trying various options.
Source Server:
Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard SP1
Microsoft Windows 6.1;build-7601;sp1.0;suite272;product3
Parallels Plesk Panel v11.0.9_build20120609.17 os_Windows 2008
1GB free disk space
Destination Server:
Windows Server 2008 R2 Web Edition SP1
Microsoft Windows 6.1;build-7601;sp1.0;suite1296;product3
Parallels Plesk Panel v11.0.9_build20120609.17 os_Windows 2008
20GB free disk space
# 1. I tried creating backup in the old server, at the domain level, via Plesk Panel and downloaded the backup in the new server, uploaded it to the Panel via 'Upload files to the repository' option in the Backup Manager. At this time, the domain created successfully in the vhosts directory, but then the contents were not updated.
# 2. I tried creating backup at the server level, via Plesk Panel, and downloaded the backup in the new server, uploaded it to the Panel via 'Upload files to the repository' option in the Backup Manager. At this time it ends up in the following error:
Error:domain "domainx.com"
Execution of "C:\Program Files (x86)\Parallels\Plesk\bin\domain.exe" --update domainx.com -guid GUID_1 -vendor-guid GUID_2 -creation-date 2011-10-10 -hosting true -hst_type phys -do-not-apply-skeleton -ip <DESTINATION IP> -www-root httpdocs -login ezediet -passwd "" -passwd_type sym -shell "Login Enabled" -ignore-nonexistent-options failed with return code 3.
Stderr is
Data error (cyclic redundancy check). (Error code 23) at BCryptDecrypt()
######### There are 9 such lines #########
Error:domain "domainx.com"
Failed deployment of mail user [email protected]
Execution of "C:\Program Files (x86)\Parallels\Plesk\bin\mail.exe" --create [email protected] -passwd "" -passwd_type sym -mailbox true -mbox_quota 52428800B -ignore-nonexistent-options failed with return code 3.
Stderr is
Data error (cyclic redundancy check). (Error code 23) at BCryptDecrypt()
######### There are 9 such lines #########
Error:hosting "domainx.com"
Execution of "C:\Program Files (x86)\Parallels\Plesk\bin\domain.exe" --update domainx.com -ssl false -iis_app_pool false -err_docs true -maintenance-mode false -webstat awstats -php_handler_type fastcgi -write_modify false -asp.net true -asp.net_version 2.0 -ssi false -ssi_html false -php true -php_version 5 -cgi true -perl true -asp false -python true -coldfusion false -miva false -webdeploy false -max-connections -1 -traffic-bandwidth -1 -log-rotate true -log-compress true -log-max-num-files 10 -log-bysize 204800000B -guid GUID_1 -vendor-guid GUID_2 -creation-date 2011-10-10 -hosting true -hst_type phys -do-not-apply-skeleton -ip <DESTINATION IP> -www-root httpdocs -login ezediet -passwd "" -passwd_type sym -shell "Login Enabled" -ignore-nonexistent-options failed with return code 3.
Stderr is
Data error (cyclic redundancy check). (Error code 23) at BCryptDecrypt()
Error:database user "dbuser"
Failed deployment of database user dbuser of database database
Execution of "C:\Program Files (x86)\Parallels\Plesk\bin\database.exe" --update database -add_user dbuser -type mysql -default -passwd "" -passwd_type sym -ignore-nonexistent-options failed with return code 3.
Stderr is
Data error (cyclic redundancy check). (Error code 23) at BCryptDecrypt()
Could you please help me with this.
Thank you in advance.