Helen Pang
Basic Pleskian
I'm using Plesk Panel Windows 9.5, it's not working out of sudden today and show the below error when we tried to access:
ERROR: Exception
Execute C:\Program Files (x86)\Parallels\Plesk\admin\bin\vzutil.exe failed:
Additionally, an exception has occurred while trying to report this error: Exception
Execute C:\Program Files (x86)\Parallels\Plesk\admin\bin\vzutil.exe failed:
0: visibility.php:60
1: visibility.php:60
getVisibilitySets(boolean true)
2: visibility.php:502
isControlSetVisible(string 'promo_virtuozzo')
3: promotion.virtuozzo.php:89
plesk__promotion__virtuozzo->validateItem(object of type UserAdmin)
4: UIPointer.php:1128
5: NavigationContext.php:603
NavigationContext->fetchSystemSectionNodes(object of type UserAdmin)
6: NavigationContext.php:99
NavigationContext->fetchSection(object of type UserAdmin, string 'system', array)
7: NavigationContext.php:703
NavigationContext->get(object of type UserAdmin)
8: Navigation.php:548
Navigation->getContextMenu(object of type UserAdmin, object of type Skin)
9: left.php3:13
We didn't make any changes, kindly please advice.
I'm using Plesk Panel Windows 9.5, it's not working out of sudden today and show the below error when we tried to access:
ERROR: Exception
Execute C:\Program Files (x86)\Parallels\Plesk\admin\bin\vzutil.exe failed:
Additionally, an exception has occurred while trying to report this error: Exception
Execute C:\Program Files (x86)\Parallels\Plesk\admin\bin\vzutil.exe failed:
0: visibility.php:60
1: visibility.php:60
getVisibilitySets(boolean true)
2: visibility.php:502
isControlSetVisible(string 'promo_virtuozzo')
3: promotion.virtuozzo.php:89
plesk__promotion__virtuozzo->validateItem(object of type UserAdmin)
4: UIPointer.php:1128
5: NavigationContext.php:603
NavigationContext->fetchSystemSectionNodes(object of type UserAdmin)
6: NavigationContext.php:99
NavigationContext->fetchSection(object of type UserAdmin, string 'system', array)
7: NavigationContext.php:703
NavigationContext->get(object of type UserAdmin)
8: Navigation.php:548
Navigation->getContextMenu(object of type UserAdmin, object of type Skin)
9: left.php3:13
We didn't make any changes, kindly please advice.