Hello Parallels' Team,
things are evolving fast regarding Windows Server 2008 (IIS) and PHP. Now thanks to Microsoft and PHP team efforts, we have very decent PHP web servers with high performances and reliability.
This is mostly possible mostly using IIS7, FastCGI and Non Thread Safe (NTS) PHP.
The latest asset, WinCache 1.1 (http://www.iis.net/download/wincacheforphp) brings performance even further, providing, for free, OpCode, sessions, files and user caching. Let's just say we can simply double the performances using it, without any change in the PHP code / pages.
WinCache is also restricted to only the Non Thread Safe (NTS) PHP versions.
On the other side, let's consider Plesk 9.x. It provides 5.2.x Thread Safe (TS) PHP libraries, usable as CGI, FastCGI and ISAPI mode.
If in the past, I used to be a big fan of ISAPI. I ended to FastCGI only recently. And it seems that even Microsoft has stopped supporting ISAPI since 2009.
Having Thread Safe libraries is probably a requirement when you use certain external PHP extensions. Though, it would be interesting to allow the user to choose between NTS or TS.
Sorry for those thoughts and considerations, back to my how to question:
If I replace my PleskPHP5 by a PHP 5.2.13 NTS install, Plesk control panel does not detect anymore this version, which is annoying for users (and even the admin) as it requires to add manually PHP 5 support (handler mapping) from IIS.
How to proceed to keep the PHP 5.2.13 (NTS) version appearing in components management list?
I tried to put the unsused (TS/Isapi) DLL, in the folder but it did not work. I was not keen mixing TS/NTS stuff anyway.
Anyway, what are Parallels' plans for Plesk 10 concerning PHP 5.2.x and 5.3.x support?
I am seriously starting to study some procedures to have more than the two versions of PHP installed. Especially to smoothly migrate some sites from PHP5.2 to 5.3.
At least, I can restore the original PHP 5.2.x TS used by Plesk (and its detection). Leave this for small sites not requiring high performances, while I use PHP 5.2 NTS, PHP 5.3 NTS with FastCGI and WinCache configured manually (by scripts over IIS).
I cannot say it is elegant, but for now, it is the only thing coming to my mind, while we wait for Plesk 10 release in Autumn or Winter '10.
Thank you for reading, and for your feedback.
Kind regards,
things are evolving fast regarding Windows Server 2008 (IIS) and PHP. Now thanks to Microsoft and PHP team efforts, we have very decent PHP web servers with high performances and reliability.
This is mostly possible mostly using IIS7, FastCGI and Non Thread Safe (NTS) PHP.
The latest asset, WinCache 1.1 (http://www.iis.net/download/wincacheforphp) brings performance even further, providing, for free, OpCode, sessions, files and user caching. Let's just say we can simply double the performances using it, without any change in the PHP code / pages.
WinCache is also restricted to only the Non Thread Safe (NTS) PHP versions.
On the other side, let's consider Plesk 9.x. It provides 5.2.x Thread Safe (TS) PHP libraries, usable as CGI, FastCGI and ISAPI mode.
If in the past, I used to be a big fan of ISAPI. I ended to FastCGI only recently. And it seems that even Microsoft has stopped supporting ISAPI since 2009.
Having Thread Safe libraries is probably a requirement when you use certain external PHP extensions. Though, it would be interesting to allow the user to choose between NTS or TS.
Sorry for those thoughts and considerations, back to my how to question:
If I replace my PleskPHP5 by a PHP 5.2.13 NTS install, Plesk control panel does not detect anymore this version, which is annoying for users (and even the admin) as it requires to add manually PHP 5 support (handler mapping) from IIS.
How to proceed to keep the PHP 5.2.13 (NTS) version appearing in components management list?
I tried to put the unsused (TS/Isapi) DLL, in the folder but it did not work. I was not keen mixing TS/NTS stuff anyway.
Anyway, what are Parallels' plans for Plesk 10 concerning PHP 5.2.x and 5.3.x support?
I am seriously starting to study some procedures to have more than the two versions of PHP installed. Especially to smoothly migrate some sites from PHP5.2 to 5.3.
At least, I can restore the original PHP 5.2.x TS used by Plesk (and its detection). Leave this for small sites not requiring high performances, while I use PHP 5.2 NTS, PHP 5.3 NTS with FastCGI and WinCache configured manually (by scripts over IIS).
I cannot say it is elegant, but for now, it is the only thing coming to my mind, while we wait for Plesk 10 release in Autumn or Winter '10.
Thank you for reading, and for your feedback.
Kind regards,