• If you are still using CentOS 7.9, it's time to convert to Alma 8 with the free centos2alma tool by Plesk or Plesk Migrator. Please let us know your experiences or concerns in this thread:
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Issue FTP access - not available from domains panel "500 PleskFatalException"


New Pleskian
Server operating system version
Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS
Plesk version and microupdate number
Plesk Obsidian Version 18.0.48
Hello all,

i have an issues with accessing FTP, when i clic i don't have access et Plesk give an error like this (screenshot below).

I try to find a solution but no ideas of what's happening.
Thank you for your help.



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Hey Peter,
Thank for your reply !

I'm sorry but, I am new to Plesk and unfortunately have no idea what this means # df. :(
It's a Linux command to display the current disk space usage of your partitions. It needs to be entered on the console. I have suggested to show disk space usage, because the error message is "... is out of web space". It either means that the subscription has a hard limit to use more space or it means that the disk partition is full. With df you can check it.
Hey thanks again Peter

I found this

Thank ;)


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Did you rename domains or subscriptions or did you move a domain before this issue occured? Have there been changes to user names, e.g. FTP users? I think the first step in solving this is to run # plesk repair ftp -n. What is its output?
Yes, i remove a subscription the same as mentioned in the first screenshoot "digitalguardian"
I type "plesk repair ftp -n" and the result is :

Checking system users ............................................... [OK]

Error messages: 0; Warnings: 0; Errors resolved: 0


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The good news is that FTP user structure seems to be alright. You can also try to run
# plesk repair database -y
to fix potentially wrong entries in the database. But if that does not resolve the issue, very likely this issue needs to be checked by a support engineer. The data I have on file on similar issues does not match your situation well enough, so something that I haven't seen yet is going on that only a check directly on your server can resolve. Support staff will sure find a solution:
Hey Peter,

Thank you for your time and tank you for your help.
I will open a ticket for my issue.

Thank you, be happy ✌️