TLS Compliance, TCP server and ownership
Attached is fixcrio.txt. This is a version of fixcrio.c but with the TLS patch applied.
Rename from fixcrio.txt to fixcrio.c and use this one instead of the fixcrio.c that you already have.
Compile it and install it like you did before, restart xinetd and all should be well.
Check your maillog for errors.
The patch is for TLS.
Therefore, I have three small questions/remarks:
1 - TLS compliance
In the posts, only smtp_psa and submission_psa are mentioned. However, TLS compliance is suggested when applying the patch and compiling with the patch.
Does that imply that smtps_psa can changed, just as smpt_psa is changed?
I suppose so, but it seems to be to obvious.....
2 - Ownership of fixcrio
In the KB of parallels, the following article is discussing the same issue. Over there, the ownership of fixcrio is root:qmail, as a normal qmail configuration would require. In your posts and that of realaaa@, ownership is root:root.
It should not make a real difference.
However, i am curious why you use those ownership rights. Maybe that can also be the cause of problems for YaserU and omerk.
3 - Compiling of ucspi-tcp
In essence, we are compiling the tcp server that is propagated by the creator of qmail and that is the favorite of hard-core qmail users.
In plesk set-up, qmail is not running over tcpserver. In plesk, the associated helper program is xinetd.
The patch involving fixcrio is again hinting the preference for tcpserver and the associated packages.
Compiling the packages and installing them ascertains that at least fixcrio is installed. Nice, but also other programs are installed.
Most of these programs are double and can interfere with the qmail-programs that are installed by Plesk Qmail. Since Plesk is using a tweeked and customized program, differences are sure to be present and problems can be arising.
Hence: people confronted with problems when installing fixcrio should be analyzing whether their compilation of files does not interfere with already installed (qmail) files.
Therefore, a small question to faris and realaaa@: did you ascertain that no interference has been occurring ?
Another BIG question for Parallels should be this: why are these patches (such as fixcrio) not being offered as an update?