But I think that I could use FTP repository with non standard FTP port successfully.
Yes, you can. The same principle applies as when having the passive ports opened up at the remote server, i.e. the server on which the FTP repository resides.
So it seems that for some reason Plesk needs FTP port to be default one.
Not really, any FTP Port can be configured to be used by ftp processes.
In theory, a
custom ftp port can be used by
any ftp process.
UFHH01 already gave you the right directions to change a port, in your case on the remote FTP server OR the source FTP server.
in practice, you might encounter (read: you are destined) to encounter issues with the ftp process, handling the backup of data to a remote FTP server.
A elaborate work-around is present, but there is no need to present that in your specific case.
In essence, you want a different ftp port
on the remote FTP server, am I correct?
If that is the case, just consider to use the passive port configuration on the remote server, allowing you to specify a RANGE of custom ftp ports, used for ftp backup processes.
Sure, the origin server is using the standard ftp ports, but that is not really something to be bothered about and/or that should not be an issue.
How to create the passive ports? Simply create a custom config file in the directory /etc/proftpd.d/, with the contents being one line: PassivePorts <RangeStart> <RangeEnd>.
Just fill in your preferred range by defining the RangeStart and RangeEnd variables, that is all.
Note that proftpd does not have to be restarted, the addition of the custom config file becomes effective immediately.
This approach is
certain to work, whilst still having the ability to choose the ftp ports used on the remote server.
In short,
yes you can to
But I think that I could use FTP repository with non standard FTP port successfully.
Finally, note that the above "work-around" is
not confined to "passive ports": any port range will do, the only point is that TLS connections are used.
For instance, port range 3400 to 3500 will do just as fine as port range 1024 1096, proftpd is not really bothered about that (choose the range carefully though).
However, all the above is not really the solution, it merely is a work-around.
The desire exists to
define a custom ftp port, without losing the ability to perform backups to a ftp repository.
I can recall this particular issue to exist for more than 4 years now and 3 or more years ago, Odin Team suggested that they were working on it. Are they? IgorG, can you tell us?
I had a "test solution" working in a simple development server, that has been discarded years ago.
Maybe Odin Team can reinvestigate the issue (and I will have an attempt to remember the solution I found).