Hello all, first time poster, long time forum reader.
I've searched the forums and net extensively and can't find a solution, so here it goes:
I get the following error when I try to add, delete or disable a domain:
Unable to activate/deactivate domain: domainmng failed:
Run-Time error: Can't query SELECT h.dom_id, d.name, d.htype, d.displayName, d.cl_id, ipa.ip_address, c.email, u.login, a.password, h.fp, h.fp_ssl, h.fp_enable, h.fp_adm, h.fp_pass, h.coldfusion,h.ssi, h.ssi_html, h.php, h.php_isapi, h.cgi, h.perl, h.asp, h.asp_dot_net, h.python, h.ssl, h.webstat, h.at_domains,cert.name cert_name, cert.pvt_key, cert.cert, cert.ca_cert FROM hosting h, domains d, clients c, IP_Addresses ipa, certificates cert, sys_users u LEFT OUTER JOIN accounts a ON a.id = u.account_id WHERE u.id = h.sys_user_id AND h.dom_id = d.id AND d.cl_id = c.id AND h.ip_address_id = ipa.id AND ipa.ssl_certificate_id = cert.id AND (d.id = '5'): MySQL error 1054:Unknown column 'h.ssi_html' in 'field list'")
I had recently reinstalled IIS and attempted to reinstall Plesk 7.5.4 over an old installation (7.5.3) in order to preserve email and domain setups. Email boxes and settings carried over and work fine.... but the domain stuff is still whacked.
Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated.
I've searched the forums and net extensively and can't find a solution, so here it goes:
I get the following error when I try to add, delete or disable a domain:
Unable to activate/deactivate domain: domainmng failed:
Run-Time error: Can't query SELECT h.dom_id, d.name, d.htype, d.displayName, d.cl_id, ipa.ip_address, c.email, u.login, a.password, h.fp, h.fp_ssl, h.fp_enable, h.fp_adm, h.fp_pass, h.coldfusion,h.ssi, h.ssi_html, h.php, h.php_isapi, h.cgi, h.perl, h.asp, h.asp_dot_net, h.python, h.ssl, h.webstat, h.at_domains,cert.name cert_name, cert.pvt_key, cert.cert, cert.ca_cert FROM hosting h, domains d, clients c, IP_Addresses ipa, certificates cert, sys_users u LEFT OUTER JOIN accounts a ON a.id = u.account_id WHERE u.id = h.sys_user_id AND h.dom_id = d.id AND d.cl_id = c.id AND h.ip_address_id = ipa.id AND ipa.ssl_certificate_id = cert.id AND (d.id = '5'): MySQL error 1054:Unknown column 'h.ssi_html' in 'field list'")
I had recently reinstalled IIS and attempted to reinstall Plesk 7.5.4 over an old installation (7.5.3) in order to preserve email and domain setups. Email boxes and settings carried over and work fine.... but the domain stuff is still whacked.
Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated.