Golden Pleskian
- Server operating system version
- Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS
- Plesk version and microupdate number
- Obsidian 18.0.53 MU#2
As per the title really 
This warning, is only received (daily) via the panel generated (warning) e-mail. Any updates made via CLI run perfectly with no errors or issues at all. There's no trace of the warnings / errors within any of the logs here: /var/log/plesk or here: /var/log/sw-cp-server and, if searched for within the panel https://***My Domain***:8443/modules/log-browser/ there's nothing within the System, Mail or Plesk tabs although within the Overview tab, the systemd-update-done.service is inactive which is expected, if it's a one point-in -time check, albeit the report for this systemd-update-done.service, is as follows: Execution status has failed with exit code 4, stdout: , stderr: Unit systemd-update-done.service could not be found.
We've had the same warning e-mails previously, but in all previous cases, errors / warnings were provided when running updates via CLI as well and thus, were traceable / fixable and / or were common and so a quick-fix was provided by Plesk very soon after (e.g. Grafana). Has anybody had the same these warnings with the exact same criteria / results that we have? Or, is there another check method / log location that we've maybe missed @Peter Debik ? Thanks!
This warning, is only received (daily) via the panel generated (warning) e-mail. Any updates made via CLI run perfectly with no errors or issues at all. There's no trace of the warnings / errors within any of the logs here: /var/log/plesk or here: /var/log/sw-cp-server and, if searched for within the panel https://***My Domain***:8443/modules/log-browser/ there's nothing within the System, Mail or Plesk tabs although within the Overview tab, the systemd-update-done.service is inactive which is expected, if it's a one point-in -time check, albeit the report for this systemd-update-done.service, is as follows: Execution status has failed with exit code 4, stdout: , stderr: Unit systemd-update-done.service could not be found.
We've had the same warning e-mails previously, but in all previous cases, errors / warnings were provided when running updates via CLI as well and thus, were traceable / fixable and / or were common and so a quick-fix was provided by Plesk very soon after (e.g. Grafana). Has anybody had the same these warnings with the exact same criteria / results that we have? Or, is there another check method / log location that we've maybe missed @Peter Debik ? Thanks!