Did you find a solution?
Hi AlexandreS,
Did you ever find the solution to this? I'm trying to do the same thing. I'm using Plesk to manage the hosting and billing of my customers, but I am not giving them access to the panel. I am, however, offering WPB...
So I need them to have the ability to login to their Plesk Panel at the normal panel login page, but then be immediately passed straight through to WPB without seeing the hosting panel.
The problem with the form provided by custer is that it requires a unique login URL for every subscription/customer since I would have to know and include the domain ID value for each domain attempting to be accessed by WPB. This is, of course, impractical
It seems like the login credentials would be the unique identifier to tell Plesk which customer account to login to and then simple hand-off to pass the user straight through to the WPB...
custer, any thoughts on this? You mentioned the standalone version can be logged into directly, but if I were to get the standalone version would it not integrate with the hosting panel, billing mgr etc?
Thanks for the help