every time I'm loggin on a WordPress installation I receive a lot of errors on ModSecurity audit log, for example:
Is a normal behaviour or do I need to change something on Web Application Firewall?
Are there recommended settings for WordPress?

every time I'm loggin on a WordPress installation I receive a lot of errors on ModSecurity audit log, for example:
[client {IP}] ModSecurity: Warning. Pattern match "^wordpress_logged_in_" at RESPONSE_HEADERS:Set-Cookie. [file "/etc/httpd/conf/modsecurity.d/rules/custom/000_i360_0.conf"] [line "124"] [id "33308"] [msg "IM360 WAF: Successfull WordPress login||T:APACHE||"] [tag "service_i360"] [tag "noshow"] [hostname "{wordpress url}"] [uri "/wp-login.php"] [unique_id "CdfRREssTgxxWAiife"], referer: https://{url}/wp-login.php
Is a normal behaviour or do I need to change something on Web Application Firewall?
Are there recommended settings for WordPress?