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Nameserver setup on 2 Plesk servers




I have two Plesk servers, one with Plesk 8.1 for Linux and one with Plesk 8.1 for Windows.

Currently when a customer wants to be hosted on the Linux server I tell him to use ns1.mycompany.com and ns2.mycompany.com

If he wants to be hosted on the Windows server, I tell him to use ns3.mycompany.com and ns4.mycompany.com

What do I have to do in order to synchronize DNS between the two servers eg. every 15 minutes, name the Linux server as ns1.mycompany.com and the Windows server as ns2.mycompany.com so that I always give ns1.mycompany.com and ns2.mycompany.com no matter on which server somebody wants to be hosted?

In short what I want to do is that both servers host the DNS records for all domains, Windows and Linux ones.

Any ideas on how I can do this?

Thanks a lot,
there is a litle script i use to update my two ns server, primerie with plesk secd. no plesk.

## $Id: secondaryupdate.pl,v 1.1 2004/12/16 21:54:23 web0 Exp $
##  ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ##
##          SecondaryUpdate.pl - Add Zoneconfigs from PLESK dBase            ##
##                  Copyright (c) 2004 Dennis Paulisch                       ##
##                   <[url]http://www.blitzengineers.net/[/url]>                        ##
##  ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ##
##  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify     ##
##  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by     ##
##  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or        ##
##  (at your option) any later version.                                      ##
##                                                                           ##
##  You may not change or alter any portion of this comment or credits       ##
##  of supporting developers from this source code or any supporting         ##
##  source code which is considered copyrighted (c) material of the          ##
##  original comment or credit authors.                                      ##
##                                                                           ##
##  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,          ##
##  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of           ##
##  GNU General Public License for more details.                             ##
##                                                                           ##
##  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License        ##
##  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software              ##
##  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307 USA ##
##  ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ##

# Needed Perl Modules
use strict;
use warnings;
use DBI;

######## CONFIGURATION ########################################################

my $dbname      = "psa";                                 # PLESK Database
my $username    = " ";                        # User for query only the DNS->Domain
my $pw          = " ";                             # Password
my $dbhost      = " ";                      # PLESK DB Host
my $masters     = " ";                      # IP Of Primary Master Nameserver
my $namedreload = "/etc/init.d/bind9 reload";            # Command to Reload the Named Config
my $configfile  = "/etc/bind/named.plesksec";   # Named Include File

print "\n";
print "SecondaryUpdate Started\n";

### MAIN ######################################################################

# Define Variables
my ( $sql, $dbconnect, $select, $date) = ();
my @domain = ();

# Open Database Connection
$dbconnect = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:database=$dbname:host=$dbhost", "$username", "$pw", { PrintError => 0, RaiseError => 0 })
             or die "Can't connect to sql server. Reason: $DBI::errstr";

# Query the Primary Domains from PLESK Database
$sql="select displayName from domains";
or die "Can't execute statement $sql: Reason: $DBI::errstr\n";

# Get the current Date and Time

# Write Zone Config
open (ZONEFILE, ">$configfile") || die("Could not write file!");

print ZONEFILE "####         Zone Config created by SecondaryUpdate.pl          ####\n";
print ZONEFILE "####          File Created: $date            ####\n";
print ZONEFILE "#### Written by Dennis Paulisch <[url]http://www.blitzengineers.net[/url]> ####\n\n\n";

while( @domain = $select->fetchrow_array)
    print "- $domain[0] added\n";
    print ZONEFILE "zone \"$domain[0]\" in {\n";
    print ZONEFILE "    masters {$masters;};\n";
    print ZONEFILE "    type slave;\n";
    print ZONEFILE "    file \"slave/$domain[0].db\";\n";
    print ZONEFILE "};\n";
    print ZONEFILE "\n";
close (ZONEFILE);

print "\nfinished...\n";

# Close DB Connection
$select-> finish;

system($namedreload . " >/dev/null");

### END #####################################################################
exit 0;

maybe it can help you
german install doc

Secondary.pl Install HowTo:

1.) MySQL Zugang Extern

Auf dem Server mit Plesk:
Einen MySQL User anlegen z.b.: secondaryns.
Dieser User sollte keine Berechtigung haben. Nur unter Datenbankspezifische Rechte, sollten
die Tabellenspezifische Rechte auf Select "Domains" gesetzt werden.
Natürlich sollte dieser auch nur von einem Bestimmen Host sich anmelden dürfen.

2.) Secondary Nameserver

Secondary.pl in einen sicheren Verzeichnis unterbringen z.b. unter "/root"
secondary.pl mit "chmod 755 secondary.pl" ausführbar machen.

Jetzt kann secondary.pl Konfiguriert werden. z.B. mit VI Folgende Abschnitte anpassen

######## CONFIGURATION ########################################################

my $dbname = "psa"; # PLESK Database
my $username = "secondarydns"; # User for query only the DNS->Domain
my $pw = "xxxxxxx"; # Password
my $dbhost = "xxx.xxx.xx.xxx"; # PLESK DB Host
my $masters = "xxx.xxx.xx.xxx"; # IP Of Primary Master Nameserver
my $namedreload = "/etc/init.d/named reload"; # Command to Reload the Named Config
my $configfile = "/var/lib/named/etc/named.plesksec"; # Named Include File


Wenn named im chroot läuft muss einfach noch mit "touch //etc/named.plesksec" eine Dummy datei angelegt werden
das sonst Bind nicht mehr neustartet.

Jetzt am besten erstmal Testen ob die Einstellungen auch funktioniert
./secondary.pl aufrufen und Meldungen beachten.
Nun kann man nochmals die Datei anschauen die unter $configfile in der Konfiguration angelegt wurden.

Wenn alles funktioniert hat, einfach in der /etc/named.conf folgende Zeilen am Ende einfügen

include "/etc/named.plesksec";
## /PSA

Danach named wieder mit "/etc/init.d/named restart" neustarten.

Nun kann man z.b. das script mit Crontab zu geregelten Zeiten starten lassen. Das Script veranlasst
named bei dem durchlauf seine Konfiguration neu einzulesen.

Dennis Paulisch
Thank you Datalux.

It's a good thing I know some German :D
I had a 2 week lesson for Mittlestufe at the CDC Centers in Radolfzell :cool:

I will check it tonight and let you know.

Thanks again.
So with this script I can setup two BIND servers (with no control panel) name them ns1.mycompany.com and ns2.mycompany.com and setup this script on each one to fetch the DNS Records from my Plesk servers.

Then I can have as many Plesk servers as I want only by creating a new .pl file for each server (and of course different named include files as destination)

Very nice :))) actually that is a better solution that the one I was looking for in my first post since with this one I can have as many Plesk servers as I want.

society: Do you know if I can fetch DNS Records from a Windows Plesk 8.1 server with the same script?

Again thanks a lot :)
Hmmm i dont know ;-)
I never saw the windows version. maybe try it out

I used the script, and it created the Named Include File successfully.

Now my ns1 server fetches the records from the Plesk server and so It can also respond for the domains of the plesk server :)

Great :)

dimensions: I will post an english version of the instructions tomorrow.
dimensions, here is a (bad :p ) translation of the German instructions.
I hope they will help you:

Secondary.pl Install HowTo:

1.) MySQL Access Rights

On your Plesk server:
Create a MySQL user eg.: secondarydns
Using phpmyadmin, grant this user the SELECT option only for the table domains of the psa database.
Also for maximum security you should set the hostname from which this user will logon.

2.) Secondary Nameserver

Copy secondary.pl to a secure directory eg. "/root"
Make secondary.pl executable by issuing the following command "chmod 755 secondary.pl"

Now you can configure secondary.pl using vi in the following area

######## CONFIGURATION ##################################################

my $dbname = "psa"; # PLESK Database
my $username = "secondarydns"; # User for query only the DNS->Domain
my $pw = "xxxxxxx"; # Password
my $dbhost = "xxx.xxx.xx.xxx"; # PLESK DB Host
my $masters = "xxx.xxx.xx.xxx"; # IP Of Primary Master Nameserver
my $namedreload = "/etc/init.d/named reload"; # Command to Reload the Named Config
my $configfile = "/var/lib/named/etc/named.plesksec"; # Named Include File


I you run a chrooted version of BIND issue the command "touch //etc/named.plesksec" to create
a Dummy file.

Now you can test your script configuration by issuing the command:
If everything went fine, you must also be able to view the created file under $configfile

Now you can add the following lines to your /etc/named.conf file

include "/etc/named.plesksec";
## /PSA

Finally restart named by issuing "/etc/init.d/named restart"

You can also set the script to run with crontab. The script will automatically restart
named every time it is run in order for it to re-read it's configuration.
was ist den neu in der neuen Version des scripts??

[what is new on the new Version of the script]

(never touch a running system) :D
I'm a bit confused... :confused:

Is it normal that when using nslookup to query the secondary DNS server (the one that fetches the DNS records from Plesk) for a domain that is hosted on the Plesk server that I get a Non-authoritative answer?
Had to check everything from the beginning and now everything runs fine :)

I'm getting authoritative responses for all plesk domains from my secondary server :cool:
I'm getting in var/log/messages

Feb 5 21:09:31 zeus named[19189]: dumping master file: slave/tmp-XXXXpqtY7O: open: file not found
Feb 5 21:09:31 zeus named[19189]: transfer of 'kleuterschoolvennen.be/IN' from failed while receiving responses: file not found
Feb 5 21:09:31 zeus named[19189]: transfer of 'kleuterschoolvennen.be/IN' from end of transfer

My secondaryupdate.pl contains :

my $dbhost = ""; # PLESK DB Host
my $masters = ""; # IP Of Primary Master Nameserver
my $namedreload = "/etc/init.d/named reload"; # Command to Reload the Named Config
my $configfile = "/var/named/run-root/var/named.plesksec"; # Named Include File

In /etc/named.conf i've added
include "named.plesksec";
## /PSA

Can someone help.

Both servers are Plesk 8.1.0 on FC4
Do you have a working Bind on the Secondary Server?
Exists the slave Directories?
Why don't you just setup a VPS for dedicated nameservers, use the one VPS for both boxes DNS?