I'm seeing strange email behavior where users
get email for a while then it just stops. After rebooting the server the mail is delivered once again
but then stops again (after 18 or 48 hours) requiring another reboot.
Anyone seen this problem?
Many entries in the maillog look like this:
Any ideas?
get email for a while then it just stops. After rebooting the server the mail is delivered once again
but then stops again (after 18 or 48 hours) requiring another reboot.
Anyone seen this problem?
Many entries in the maillog look like this:
lots of lines such as:
...relaylock: /var/qmail/bin/relaylock...
also spamd messages:
spamd[2136]: config: failed to parse line, skipping:...
websrv spamd[2136]: bayes: cannot open bayes databases /var/qmail/mailnames/MyDomain.com/myusername/.spamassassin/bayes_* R/O: tie failed: Permission denied
spamd[2136]: Can't locate Mail/SPF/Query.pm in @INC (@INC contains: ../lib /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/i386-linux-thread-multi /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0 /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.0/i386-linux-t
hread-multi /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.0 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.0/i386-linux-thread-multi /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.0 /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl) at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/Mail/Sp
amAssassin/Plugin/SPF.pm line 272, <GEN48> line 599.
spamd[2136]: auto-whitelist: open of auto-whitelist file failed: auto-whitelist: cannot open auto_whitelist_path /var/qmail/mailnames/MyDomain.com/myusername/.spamassassin/auto-whitelist: Inappropriate ioctl for device
spamd[2136]: Can't call method "finish" on an undefined value at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/Mail/SpamAssassin/Plugin/AWL.pm line 397, <GEN48> line 599.
qmail: 1160209462.962332 delivery 300: deferral: Connected_to_216.71.45.246_but_connection_died._(#4.4.2)/
qmail: 1160209462.986440 starting delivery 329: msg 368902 to remote [email][email protected][/email]
qmail: 1160209462.986454 status: local 0/10 remote 1/20
qmail: 1160209463.087420 delivery 329: deferral: Sorry,_I_wasn't_able_to_establish_an_SMTP_connection._(#4.4.1)/
qmail: 1160210772.165186 delivery 338: failure: Sorry._Although_I'm_listed_as_a_best-preference_MX_or_A_for_that_host,/it_isn't_in_my_control/locals_file,_so_I_don't_treat_it_as_local._(#5.4.6)/
qmail: 1160210772.165371 status: local 0/10 remote 0/20
Oct 7 03:46:12 websrv qmail: 1160210772.165406 triple bounce: discarding bounce/368524
Any ideas?