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Permission issue creating additional write/change permissions to root folder



On version 9.5.0 this issue was solved. Now the issue comes back. Setting the additional write/cange permissions didn't synced the physical permissions for the Plesk Domain user on the httpdocs folder. So you are not able to add any start page to the root (httpdocs) folder.

It is not accessable to install a page to a virtual directory, and you can't redirect or start directly from the root folder. The Customer must be able to set the permissions on the httpdocs or any other root folder to start a website directly!

After basic install/upgrade of the Plesk all IUsers only have search permissions and the WP_User have no access. To force any applications on php, .Net, CGI ... the WP_User need change/write permissions and the IUser need read permissions on the root folder as the basic. Also to start a simple html page you need read permissions to it! But the most people goes to webapplications and needed access to some Frameworks e.g PHP, .NET or else!

As a leading automation provider I could not understand that the QA didn't find this issue before it was released.

Could you please provide a fix quickly!


Using Plesk Panal 10.0.1 as admin
Create new Subscription or use a subscription using Plan "none"
change Host permissions and sibscription permission and allow addvanced write/change permissions
Save it

On Control Panel
Open Domain settings enable advanced write permissions
Save it
Open Virtual directories
Open diretory access permissions

Your see that you din't have the permissions to change it on the httpdos path!
If you now check the permissions using Windows Explorer you see that the Plesk Domain User didn't have any permissions on it.

Also I find out that the permissions for using .NET 2.0 (3.5) are not sett well. If I try to run a upgrade of a DotNetNuke instance it missed some permissions to the .NET 2. I have to change the instance to use .NET 4 to run a upgrade.

I missed also the email groups on the email settings!
very exercised on non answered Question since 10 Months !

Over the last 10 Months my version wased Updated to Parallels Plesk Panel 10.3.1 now.

BS Microsoft Windows 6.1;build-7601;sp1.0;suite1296;product3
Panel-Version 10.3.1

About no help and other never answered and still open Tickets wish was open from my ISP , I would be now to post a blog over the bad support Paralles gives. Also I want to plan to change to the free Websitepanel product. I am using Plesk on some dedicated Servers since years for many DotNetNuke projects. As an DNN core member I have now to warn the community to use hostings and dedicated Servers that have installed a Parallels product!

The answer with the link where you post the needed informations are a mytery to me, about at the time I posted my question only one version/build of Plesk Panel 10 was out and I posted on the correct Forum. Also I posted in the windows section, and the issue exists on all supported windows versions on Plesk Panel 10. So if only one build is out you as a supporter still need the version and build ? And after I gave you all the informations no response now since 10 months.

The ISP still waiting also to the answer and the fix to this issue where a ticket was open in Dez 2010 or Jan 2011 after I get no answer.

It is realy a BUG on Plesk, that the developer re-create on Plesk 10 ! And on this issue I have got never help since Plesk 7 but I done open issues and I will not do this a 2nd time after the issue was solved - You can check the Release notes on 9.5.0 and will found

Parallels Plesk Panel failed to install the DotNetNuke application on websites issue is resolved.

So fix this asap also on Plesk 10

Using Plesk Panal 10.0.1 as admin
Create new Subscription or use a subscription using Plan "none"
change Host permissions and sibscription permission and allow addvanced write/change permissions
Save it

On Control Panel
Open Domain settings enable advanced write permissions
Save it
Open Virtual directories
Open diretory access permissions

Your see that you din't have the permissions to change it on the httpdos path!
If you now check the permissions using Windows Explorer you see that the Plesk Domain User didn't have any permissions on it.

Also I find out that the permissions for using .NET 2.0 (3.5) are not sett well. If I try to run a upgrade of a DotNetNuke instance it missed some permissions to the .NET 2. I have to change the instance to use .NET 4 to run a upgrade.

I missed also the email groups on the email settings!
bad support Paralles gives.
Did you contact Parallels Support Team? If yes - please provide me ticket ID and I will check why our support guys did not help you.
Note, this forum is not support helpdesk but just place for discussions.
Did you contact Parallels Support Team? If yes - please provide me ticket ID and I will check why our support guys did not help you.
Note, this forum is not support helpdesk but just place for discussions.

A Social Media Coordinator have contact me now by email. Hope they could help me now.
Checkbox "Additional write permissions" on domain settings screen means, that Plesk willl add Full Access permissions for IUSR user and IWAM pool user for document root of site.
This doesn't mean you will have ability to change permissions on this folder from panel.

The fix for 9.5 and 10.3 was almost the same, so in 9.5 you will have the same behavior.

The Customer must be able to set the permissions on the httpdocs or any other root folder to start a website directly!
Yes, unfortunately, this is known issue.
Whatever came of this discussion? It's a known issue.. is there a planning fix? I'm not sure what version of Plesk I have.. it looks like Vista.. but I can't install DNN in httpdocs without having to nag my host to give httpdocs the correct permissions/