Everybody is stating facts about their own personal situation/solution and that certainly does not help to identify a general solution, that can be used in a micro-update.
For that reason, I will be summarizing the results a bit later, but first I have to ask some necessary questions.
@Lloyd_mcse and
@BSMenny: can you provide the package details (run: dpkg -l | grep libapache2-mod-proxy)?
Can you confirm that it is 2.4.7-ubuntu14.04.16022012 on the updated machines, that did not encounter any problems?
@Lloyd_mcse and
@BSMenny: can you provide the package details (run: dpkg -l | grep psa-phpfpm-configurator)?
Can you confirm that it is 1.0.0-ubuntu14.04.build1205160218.11 on the updated machines, that did not encounter any problems?
@Timo002: can you provide the package details (for both the phpfpm configurator and mod_proxy) for all your CentOS systems?
@Timo002: I am particularly interested in the CentOS 6.6 machine, which should have a different Apache version. Can you give some package details about Apache?
@OGR: can you also provide some of the package details?
In general, it seems to be a dependency conflict, but this conflict occurs in rather remarkable circumstances:
a) MU23 is including a patch to resolve the conflict, associated or following after some previous install or update actions: MU23 should actually prevent the issue from occurring!
b) Whenever using sockets, ProxyPassMatch and SetHandler directives should not work on an Apache 2.4.7 (used by default in Plesk): for that reason (and other reasons), Plesk is probably provided with the libapache2-mod-proxy-psa package, even though we would be better off with an Apache related micro-update!
c) the psa-phpfpm-configurator should not be the root cause of the problem: the package libapache2-mod-proxy-psa is!
d) KB128398 is essentially resolving an installation problem, associated with an upgrade of the libapache2-mod-proxy-psa package: however, it seems to be the case that the intended package version (i.e. 2.4.7-ubuntu14.04.16021710) causes some issues, if and only if the intended patch for before mentioned problem (i.e. MU23) is working properly.
In short, from the above it follows that
- a specific version of libapache2-mod-proxy-psa is the root cause of the problem, (OR)
- if and only if the intended patch from MU23 is not working properly, installation issues occur that prevent that a proper version of libapache2-mod-proxy-psa is installed.
For that reason, I am asking about the package details, since that can reveal which of the two problems is causing all of the PHP-FPM related issues.
PS I still would like to see an Apache update, instead of using updates for the libapache2-mod-proxy-psa package. It would certainly prevent any future issues to occur.