So, i got Activesync working by doing this:
<Directory /usr/share/psa-horde>
php_flag magic_quotes_gpc off
php_flag register_globals off
php_flag magic_quotes_runtime off
php_flag short_open_tag on
Alias /Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync /usr/share/psa-horde/rpc.php
Alias /autodiscover/autodiscover.xml /usr/share/psa-horde/rpc.php
/usr/local/psa/admin/bin/httpdmng --reconfigure-all
/etc/init.d/apache2 restart
then go to
At the end, theres a point Activesync, set it to true
search for "$conf['auth']['admins'] = array()
and add your mailadress with the quotes '
[email protected]'
login at
go to settings -> administration -> configuration
there youll see a few points where it says "needs to be updated"
just klick on the points, and at the end of the site klick "generate config and copy the config, in a colored box you'll see where to store the conf.php files:
don't forget to make a backup of the files.
restart apache
/etc/init.d/apache2 restart
=> and then it least for me ;-)