• If you are still using CentOS 7.9, it's time to convert to Alma 8 with the free centos2alma tool by Plesk or Plesk Migrator. Please let us know your experiences or concerns in this thread:
    CentOS2Alma discussion
  • Please beaware of a breaking change in the REST API on the current Plesk release (18.0.62).
    Starting from Plesk Obsidian 18.0.62, requests to REST API containing the Content-Type header with a media-type directive other than “application/json” will result in the HTTP “415 Unsupported Media Type” client error response code. Read more here

Plesk 9 can't update (The requested URL returned error: 403)



Getting this error message, though in ie the files are simply accessible

Error: Error: Failed to download the package http://autoinstall.plesk.com/PSA_9.0.0/plesk-9.0.0-suse9.3-i386.inf3:
The requested URL returned error: 403
Not all packages were installed.
Please try installing packages again later.
Please, resolve the above problem and try installing the packages again.
If you cannot resolve the problem on your own, contact product technical support for assistance.

Any clue?
Same here

Same here.
I tried a wget for the file and that was blocked with a 403 error as well.
The server is hosted at Strato.
Well there should be something out there to fix this... they can't stuck us at 9.0.0 or .1 :)
Folks, there's what happened:

In plesk's mirror .htaccess:

order deny,allow
#Strato (for Plesk9 only)
deny from
deny from
allow from

# Intergenia
deny from
deny from
deny from
deny from
deny from
deny from

I'm pretty sure you're one of these ;), if so, you're blocked and you cannot update your server.

I found this when I had to setup another mirror from a client of mine to plesk 9.0.0 (I have 45gb of mirror for the whole 9.0.0 including all the distros).

Of course I can't share it here, otherwise I will just run out of bw. (Deals can be made though! :p)

Yes, that's it. Thanks!

# Intergenia
deny from
I'm pretty sure you're one of these ;), if so, you're blocked and you cannot update your server.

Yes, that includes my server. This leads to three questions:

1. Why?

2. What does Plesk expect me to do?

3. Are there any other workarounds or deals? ;)
Yes, that includes my server. This leads to three questions:

1. Why?

2. What does Plesk expect me to do?

3. Are there any other workarounds or deals? ;)

1 - Dunno, maybe too much bandwidth? ;)

2 - Nothing...? :p

3 - Sure, I've setup a mirror server (which I cant share here, otherwise ill just blow all my bandwidth, deals are welcome ;>), however a few issues occured:


You should update key to work with plesk 9, etc etc.

Apart that, sure, my mirror has solved the issue.

Oh and btw, my clients server has that subnet as well.

Edit: From what serverloft told to my client, they dont want their clients to upgrade because of "hardware support", made me lol.

"In response to your question we do not offer plesk9 at present the reason for this is that it has some compatibility issue and with all new applications we prefer to wait a short while before we offer it to our customers. We will offer it in the future but as to when I do not know at this moment in time."

Anyway...at least we know why this xml error happened.

1 - Dunno, maybe too much bandwidth? ;)

2 - Nothing...? :p

3 - Sure, I've setup a mirror server (which I cant share here, otherwise ill just blow all my bandwidth, deals are welcome ;>), however a few issues occured:


You should update key to work with plesk 9, etc etc.

Apart that, sure, my mirror has solved the issue.

Oh and btw, my clients server has that subnet as well.

Edit: From what serverloft told to my client, they dont want their clients to upgrade because of "hardware support", made me lol.

"In response to your question we do not offer plesk9 at present the reason for this is that it has some compatibility issue and with all new applications we prefer to wait a short while before we offer it to our customers. We will offer it in the future but as to when I do not know at this moment in time."

Anyway...at least we know why this xml error happened.


so how to contact you my man for the mirror?
I don't have the mirror at the moment :p.

But I can setup them in my server.

However, consider the license issues, etc.
wtf? i am banned as well (server@strato)

isn't this something swsoft should fix? i pay for plesk through strato and i really feel that i have the right to update...
I've asked Strato what is going on. here's the reply (in german)

Ihr Lizenzkey für Plesk 8 oder Plesk 7 ist mit der neuen Version NICHT kompatibel.

Wir raten Ihnen daher dringend, bis auf weiteres dieses Update nicht auf Ihrem System einzuspielen.
Ohne gültigen Lizenzkey kann Plesk nicht verwendet werden.

Zur Zeit befindet sich die neue Plesk-Version in den STRATO Entwicklungslabors und wird von der Qualitätssicherung eingehend geprüft.
Sobald alle Test positiv abgeschlossen wurden stellen wir Ihnen schnellstmöglich einen Lizenzschlüssel für Plesk 9 zur Verfügung.

In essence:
- Plesk 7 or 8 keys are not 'compatible' with the new version
- they recommend not to install the update as plesk won't run without a license key
- the new plesk version is in the strato quality-assurance laboratories for testing
- as soon as the tests are positive they'll supply a key for plesk 9
