• Please be aware: Kaspersky Anti-Virus has been deprecated
    With the upgrade to Plesk Obsidian 18.0.64, "Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Servers" will be automatically removed from the servers it is installed on. We recommend that you migrate to Sophos Anti-Virus for Servers.
  • The Horde webmail has been deprecated. Its complete removal is scheduled for April 2025. For details and recommended actions, see the Feature and Deprecation Plan.

Resolved Plesk Administrator not receiving the notification mails


New Pleskian
Plesk administrator is not receiving any kind of notification mails about the activities in plesk account. Its actually working till last month but recently the mails are not receiving to the O365 account. For a testing purpose added the gmail account and mails are received to it. but there is no update in the O365 account. I had already disable and enable the notification settings in Home> Tools & settings> Plesk - Notification. but the issue exist same.

Any solution for this issue??
hello @NOC ,

I know it sounds not cool, but.. did you check spam folder and antispam settings in your O365 account ?

just in case, what Plesk version do you use?
what MTA you are using? are the some errors in MTA's logs ?
Hi @Nik G, thanks for your reply..

I had already checked the spam folder and antispam setting of O365 as a part of the initial troubleshooting and there is nothing to do with it.
I am currently using the Plesk Obsidian Web Host Edition Version 18.0.35 Update #2, tried to update for the latest from Home> Tools & settings> Plesk - Updates but it redirected to another web page and shows error as "This site can't be reached", I have already enabled for automatically install Plesk update. but nothing works in case of updates.
I am using Sendmail (MTA) and there are no error logs I have cross-checked for the same.
@NOC ,

MTA controlled by Plesk at Linux (sendmail and postfix) use unified MTA log - /var/log/maillog, so this is a good idea to review it for errors and delivery status.

regarding upgrade through UI - it might be that you have blocked port 8447 that uses Plesk Installer web interface with firewall.
In this case you can use console command
plesk installer upgrade 18.0.39

if there's problem with ssh access to the server - you can use Plesk Extension called SSH Terminal right in your browser.
@NOC ,

MTA controlled by Plesk at Linux (sendmail and postfix) use unified MTA log - /var/log/maillog, so this is a good idea to review it for errors and delivery status.

regarding upgrade through UI - it might be that you have blocked port 8447 that uses Plesk Installer web interface with firewall.
In this case you can use console command
plesk installer upgrade 18.0.39

if there's problem with ssh access to the server - you can use Plesk Extension called SSH Terminal right in your browser.
@Nik G
First of all, Plesk is installed on windows server 19, I think your suggestion as per the above detailing works on Linux.
About the upgrade, I have got an error while installing the package as:

Error: The MD5 checksum of the C:\ProgramData\Plesk\Installer\cache\pool\release\PLESK-WIN_18.0.39_7267\dist-windows\plesk-nssm.zip.tmp file does not match the value specified in the configuration file. Expected: 4992a6d802967875dafdc4ebc9c17ed2, actual: 21191482b3d1d4f1bd3a3ac837a2fd82.

any suggestion to resolve the error??
sorry @NOC , I was confused by that fact that you're using sendmail as MTA.

if messages in mail logs marked as skipped it is expected that there should be a reason in earlier messages why they can't be delivered.
for example it might be problem with DNS or firewall (on any side. for example your server could be added to the some global black list)
and the retry time is not reached yet.

command 'plesk installer upgrade 18.0.39' works on both platforms. in case of Windows server you need to execute it in powershell.

regarding wrong md5: I've checked from my side and it looks correct:
:~$ curl autoinstall-win.plesk.com/PANEL-WIN_18.0.39/dist-windows/plesk-nssm.zip -o /tmp/plesk-nssm.zip ; md5sum /tmp/plesk-nssm.zip
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100  142k  100  142k    0     0   195k      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  195k
4992a6d802967875dafdc4ebc9c17ed2  /tmp/plesk-nssm.zip

probably there were some network collisions or difficulties with CDN..
is this problem reproduced even you execute upgrade again ?

to which IP autoinstall-win.plesk.com resolves from your server ?
@Nik G

I had tried once again for the upgradation but the error exists the same as earlier, then I removed Plesk VM from the firewall list (if any of the rules restricting from the upgrade) and tried the upgrade then it works and it's upgraded to the latest.

The same tried for the mail issue but it exists same, so I assume that the issue facing in sending emails is not related to the firewall rules or anything apart from my side. If the server may be added to the global black list as you mentioned, what should I do to resolve the issue??
@NOC , I guess you should continue investigate your MTA logs, to find out the reason, why delivery was skipped/postponed.

also, a response from destination mail server usually contains address of blacklist and url for future actions for removing from it.
so you have to investigate MTA logs even for this next action.

You can submit ticket to the Plesk technical support and our engineers will do it instead of you ;)

@Nik G,

By checking MTA logs,
This error is shown in the case of the O365 account.

Fork/Split: Message ID [765CD31C7B904D45A5C7341920035017.MAI] requeued/split into 1 messages for delivery to target domains.
Queued: Message ID [765CD31C7B904D45A5C7341920035017.MAI] queued for delivery to the domain [(ourdomain).com] at the SMTP Outbound Queue with a new Message ID of [765CD31C7B904D45A5C7341920035017.MAI]

Debug delivery information for Message ID [765CD31C7B904D45A5C7341920035017.MAI]
10/21/21 17:48:05 ME-I0018: [4B29353A938E432D97E7B9C50AF5C528.MAI] Outbound message from ([SMTP:no-reply@(ourdomain).com]) requeued as [765CD31C7B904D45A5C7341920035017.MAI] to the target domain [(ourdomain).com]
10/21/21 17:48:05 ME-I0026: [765CD31C7B904D45A5C7341920035017.MAI] Sending message
10/21/21 17:48:05 ME-IXXXX: [765CD31C7B904D45A5C7341920035017.MAI] DNS resolved to the following record: IP Address=, Family=2, Type=1, Protocol=6
10/21/21 17:48:26 ME-E0038: [765CD31C7B904D45A5C7341920035017.MAI] Communications Error: Socket connection to (ourdomain)-com.mail.protection.outlook.com failed (error 10060). The host was either not contactable or it rejected your connection. Socket Family = 2; Host=; Port=25
10/21/21 17:48:26 ME-IXXXX: [765CD31C7B904D45A5C7341920035017.MAI] DNS resolved to the following record: IP Address=, Family=2, Type=1, Protocol=6
10/21/21 17:48:47 ME-E0038: [765CD31C7B904D45A5C7341920035017.MAI] Communications Error: Socket connection to (ourdomain)-com.mail.protection.outlook.com failed (error 10060). The host was either not contactable or it rejected your connection. Socket Family = 2; Host=; Port=25
10/21/21 17:48:47 ME-E0059: [765CD31C7B904D45A5C7341920035017.MAI] Message Delivery Failure. Attempt (0): Could not connect to mail server for domain ((ourdomain).com). The remote mail server could not be contacted at this time. Message has been requeued.
10/21/21 17:58:04 ME-I0026: [765CD31C7B904D45A5C7341920035017.MAI] Sending message
10/21/21 17:58:04 ME-IXXXX: [765CD31C7B904D45A5C7341920035017.MAI] DNS resolved to the following record: IP Address=, Family=2, Type=1, Protocol=6
10/21/21 17:58:25 ME-E0038: [765CD31C7B904D45A5C7341920035017.MAI] Communications Error: Socket connection to (ourdomain)-com.mail.protection.outlook.com failed (error 10060). The host was either not contactable or it rejected your connection. Socket Family = 2; Host=; Port=25
10/21/21 17:58:25 ME-IXXXX: [765CD31C7B904D45A5C7341920035017.MAI] DNS resolved to the following record: IP Address=, Family=2, Type=1, Protocol=6
10/21/21 17:58:46 ME-E0038: [765CD31C7B904D45A5C7341920035017.MAI] Communications Error: Socket connection to (ourdomain)-com.mail.protection.outlook.com failed (error 10060). The host was either not contactable or it rejected your connection. Socket Family = 2; Host=; Port=25
10/21/21 17:58:46 ME-E0059: [765CD31C7B904D45A5C7341920035017.MAI] Message Delivery Failure. Attempt (1): Could not connect to mail server for domain ((ourdomain).com). The remote mail server could not be contacted at this time. Message has been requeued.

It seems like (our domain)-com.mail.protection.outlook.com is blocking the service.
@NOC ,

you found it!

I suppose you have to contact o365 support to find out reasons why your server is blocked on their side.