New Pleskian
I can't upgrade plesk. The upgrade always stops at the same point:
File downloading PSA_12.0.18/microupdates/MU12/common/ 14%..20%..34%..42%..50%..66%..71%..82%..95%..100% was finished.
File downloading PSA_12.0.18/microupdates/MU12/rpm-CentOS-6-i386/_usr_local_psa_admin_sbin_pmm-ras: 10%..20%..30%..40%..50%..60%..70%..80%..90%..100% was finished.
File downloading PSA_12.0.18/microupdates/MU12/common/_usr_local_psa_admin_application_smb_controllers_AppController.php: Error: couldn't connect to host, retry...
Error: couldn't connect to host, retry...
Error: couldn't connect to host, retry...
Error: couldn't connect to host, retry...
Error: couldn't connect to host, retry...
Error: couldn't connect to host, retry...
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'http_error'
Full logfile attached to post.
Thanks for any hints.
File downloading PSA_12.0.18/microupdates/MU12/common/ 14%..20%..34%..42%..50%..66%..71%..82%..95%..100% was finished.
File downloading PSA_12.0.18/microupdates/MU12/rpm-CentOS-6-i386/_usr_local_psa_admin_sbin_pmm-ras: 10%..20%..30%..40%..50%..60%..70%..80%..90%..100% was finished.
File downloading PSA_12.0.18/microupdates/MU12/common/_usr_local_psa_admin_application_smb_controllers_AppController.php: Error: couldn't connect to host, retry...
Error: couldn't connect to host, retry...
Error: couldn't connect to host, retry...
Error: couldn't connect to host, retry...
Error: couldn't connect to host, retry...
Error: couldn't connect to host, retry...
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'http_error'
Full logfile attached to post.
Thanks for any hints.