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Resolved Plesk CLI: list service plans


Basic Pleskian
Server operating system version
Ubuntu 22.04
Plesk version and microupdate number
Plesk Obsidian

Is there a way to list service plans using Plesk CLI?

Hello @pmg

The utility plesk bin service_plan does not have the option to list all the plans. However, they can be fetched from the database:
# plesk db "select id,name,owner_id,type from Templates"
| id | name             | owner_id | type     |
|  1 | Admin Simple     |        1 | domain   |
|  2 | Default Reseller |        1 | reseller |
|  3 | Default Domain   |        1 | domain   |
|  4 | Unlimited        |        1 | domain   |
|  5 | Default Simple   |        1 | domain   |
Also, you can get details about every single plan by using the ID:
# plesk db "select * from TmplData where tmpl_id = 3"
| tmpl_id | element                              | value                                |
|       3 | access_appcatalog                    | true                                 |
|       3 | access_service_users                 | true                                 |
|       3 | allow_account_ftp_backups            | false                                |
|       3 | allow_account_local_backups          | false                                |
|       3 | allow_ftp_backups                    | true                                 |
|       3 | allow_insecure_sites                 | true                                 |
|       3 | allow_local_backups                  | true                                 |