This problem Postfix "queue file write error" is really became priority for us and I would like to receive the following information from you:
1. Version of Plesk and OS. Specify, if it is Virtuozzo container.
2. What of the published Postfix patches have been installed.
3. Do you have enabled any spam protections.
4. Conditions for occurrence of this error that you have noticed.
5. Your any additional information which you considers necessary to inform about this problem.
Please answer strictly on these points, shortly and with necessary details.
On the basis of this collected information I will prepare the analytical report for developers.
Thank you for cooperation.
1 - centos5 64 - Linux 2.6.18-128.el5
2 - this one http://forum.parallels.com/showpost.php?p=396040&postcount=43
3 - have tried with and without
4 - usually attachments over about 4MB
5 - none