Some very general points on fighting spam, if they are usefull is for you to decide:
- lower the number, personally i use 5 and for client servers we set 7
- mark spam, don't delete it, if you have a false positive due to the low number, it will not be lost
- don't use the blacklist, you can't place the world on it
- use the whitelist, if a senders triggers a false possitive, whitelist it.
- use a spamfilter in your mailclient (thunderbird as a build in one)
- don't delete spam when it arrives in your mailclient, use the "spam, "junk", "what-ever-it-is-called" button to train your spamfilter
- don't use a catch-all
- don't use a out-of-office repley, its telling the spammers: yes this email exists, you can place it on your spamlist
- update spam on a regular basis. We use this script to do this
WARNING: this is a centos script. If you use ubuntu or another unix flavor you must check if the paths are correct.
# update spamassassin
sa-update -D --updatedir /usr/share/spamassassin
# delete old rules and copy new rules to rule dir
rm -f /usr/share/spamassassin/*.*
cp /usr/share/spamassassin/updates_spamassassin_org/*.* /usr/share/spamassassin/
# restart
service spamassassin restart
just my 2 cents