After upgrade to 7.5.4 the psadump backup won't finish the job.
It returns this error:
An error was occured during execution: "/bin/tar -cz --ignore-failed-read --exclude='./web_users' --exclude='./tmp' --exclude='./etc' --exclude='./lib' --exclude='./bin' --exclude='./usr' --exclude='./subdomains' --exclude='./conf/httpd.include*' --exclude='./statistics/logs' --exclude='./conf' --exclude='./error_docs' --exclude='./pd' --exclude='./statistics' -f - -C '/home/httpd/vhosts/sivec-comex.si' . 2>/dev/null""
I have tried to delete the domain in question, but then another domain or dir appears on last line.
I use this command to do the backup:
"psadump -z --do-not-dump-logs --nostop --nostop-domain"
When I look at the processes I see that "tar" is running for many minutes (100+) and that it consumes 99% of CPU power...
I can't figure out what is the cause of this, so ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks, Dejan.
After upgrade to 7.5.4 the psadump backup won't finish the job.
It returns this error:
An error was occured during execution: "/bin/tar -cz --ignore-failed-read --exclude='./web_users' --exclude='./tmp' --exclude='./etc' --exclude='./lib' --exclude='./bin' --exclude='./usr' --exclude='./subdomains' --exclude='./conf/httpd.include*' --exclude='./statistics/logs' --exclude='./conf' --exclude='./error_docs' --exclude='./pd' --exclude='./statistics' -f - -C '/home/httpd/vhosts/sivec-comex.si' . 2>/dev/null""
I have tried to delete the domain in question, but then another domain or dir appears on last line.
I use this command to do the backup:
"psadump -z --do-not-dump-logs --nostop --nostop-domain"
When I look at the processes I see that "tar" is running for many minutes (100+) and that it consumes 99% of CPU power...
I can't figure out what is the cause of this, so ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks, Dejan.