QMail and Hotmail
The mail servers in Plesk can have problems with mails coming from Hotmail.
To be more precise, three issues can arise. These two issues have different causes and solutions.
A - Error message: qmail-smptd timeout
The mail log (/usr/local/psa/var/log/maillog) can be stating errors of the kind:
"possible qmail-smtpd exited by timeout, reset connection or with "See http://pobox.com/~djb/docs/smtplf.html."
An excellent thread and solution considering this problem has already been given in the forums:
Have a look and solve the problem!
IMPORTANT: the above mentioned thread is only for the errors mentioned above. Otherwise, see below.
B - Error message: DEFER
Hotmail messages are not being received and/or delivered by qmail, due to grey listing settings.
In this case, the error messages in the file /usr/local/psa/var/log/maillog contain the DEFER result, when starting the greylisting filter and the associated handler.
The error message is of the form:
"call_handlers: DEFER during call '/usr/local/psa/handlers/info/05-grey-xxxxxx/executable' handler"
In most cases, this is a combined problem: a broken handler and hotmail adresses being blocked (due to an unknown reason).
SOLUTION: follow the instructions on
Advice: follow the instructions at the bottom and rebuild all handlers
Note: it is very likely that more has to be done in order to solve your problem, since it is a combined problem. Try this rebuilding of handlers first and, if not succesful, proceed with C.
C - Rejection of hotmail addresses
Hotmail is sending mail from and via various servers. QMail is accepting mail from hotmail.com in some cases and in other cases, it doesn't.
This problem has nothing to do with qmail not working: it is caused by strange behavior from the grey listing filter.
For reasons unknown to me, specific hotmail servers are blocked. It seems to be that those servers are being regarded as black listed. With that interpretation, a simple solution is available.
SOLUTION: allow hotmail explicitly on the grey listing whitelist, by running the command:
/usr/local/psa/bin/grey_listing -u -domains-whitelist add: *hotmail.com
NOTE: there is an inherent danger in this solution, since this opens up spam possibilities and we all know that hotmail.com is a spammers paradise. You can resolve this by simply adding specific hotmail addresses instead of the hotmail domain. In order to do so, issue the command:
/usr/local/psa/bin/grey_listing -u -whitelist add: <allowedMailname1>@hotmail.com, <allowedMailname2>@hotmail.com [etc]
Advice I: add individual addresses instead of the domain, since the generic whitelist and the mailnames upon it are also shared by the spam filter.
Advice II: add additional spam control to your qmail configuration, like qgreylisting or spamdyke.