Steps to upgarde Plesk are as follows:
Login to the server you are planning to upgrade, and get a root shell.
First thing to do is to check whether or not the server is accepting "ping" requests. You need to check this because the plesk rpm in the pre-install script checks this, and if it gives no reply, it dies. So, run the following:
ping localhost
If you get nothing but this message for a couple secconds, cancel the command:
PING localhost.localdomain ( 56(84) bytes of data.
When you cancel, you should see 100% packet loss, such as the following:
--- localhost.localdomain ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 2015ms
Ping is an icmp packet. First, you want to stop the firewall:
service iptables stop
Will output:
Flushing all chains: [ OK ]
Removing user defined chains: [ OK ]
Resetting built-in chains to the default ACCEPT policy: [ OK ]
Now, you have to make sure the kernel isn't going to ignore the ping requests either, run the following command:
echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/icmp_echo_ignore_all
Now try the ping again:
ping localhost
PING localhost.localdomain ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from localhost.localdomain ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.071 ms
64 bytes from localhost.localdomain ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.040 ms
--- localhost.localdomain ping statistics ---
2 packets transmitted, 2 received, 0% packet loss, time 999ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.040/0.055/0.071/0.017 ms
You are now ready to continue.
mkdir psa
What I did is basically make a /root/psa/ directory
Now, move into the directory
cd psa
Recursivly copy the /etc/psa and /usr/local/psa directries into here. Make sure you name them as different files so you don't overwrite them.
cp -rp /etc/psa/ etc_psa
cp -rp /usr/local/psa/ psa
Do a mysqldump of the psa database, nameing it psa.sql
mysqldump --opt -u admin -p********** psa > psa.sql
Looking at the directory you are in, it should look like:
Expand the tarball archive:
change directory into the "base", which contains all the core plesk rpms
now test it
rpm -Uvh --test *
If test gives some dependencies then install those. Once done again test it.
once done stop all plesk services.
Now, run the rpm command to upgrade without the --test switch: rpm -Uvh *
So on it goes, upgrading the server.
When it comes to this point in the upgrade, it will pause the output:
===> Installing Quotas
Trying to change mount options in /etc/fstab... done
Checking quotas. This may take some time.
his will take WAY too long, is isn't nessisary, so background the upgrade process with Ctrl-z
[1]+ Stopped rpm -Uvh *
Now, kill the quotacheck processes
killall -9 quotacheck
Now forground your shell back into the upgrade, to continue. It'll look something like this:
rpm -Uvh *
/usr/local/psa/bin/ line 16630: 5695 Killed quotacheck "$vhosts_fs" -vunfmc >>"$product_log" 2>&1
Unable to check quota. Quota is not supported by your operating system
All other things it does where it pauses for a while, are things that need to be done, and can take a bit of time if there are a lot of domains setup on the server. These things include, but are not limited to: installing chroot enviroment, updating dns records, etc
When it finishes, you should get a message such as this one:
All stages of the upgrade were successful.
Plesk is now running on your system.
To complete the system configuration process, please proceed to URL:
Further, use the following commands to start and stop the system:
/etc/rc.d/init.d/psa start and
/etc/rc.d/init.d/psa stop respectively.
WARNING: Some minor problems occured during upgrade. You need to *
* check log file *
* /tmp/psa_7.0.4_RedHat_9_build040723.13_upgrade.log *
* to fix these problems. *