• Please be aware: Kaspersky Anti-Virus has been deprecated
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Question Repeatedly bad experience with Trustpilot - who else made a similar experience with them?


Plesk addicted!
Plesk Guru
My business Bitpalast GmbH has made repeatedly bad experiences with Trustpilot. Today the third customer informed us that he initially published a 5-star rating about us on the Trustpilot profile of the company, and Trustpilot - as in at least two more such cases before, one of them just recently - has removed the rating. While at the same time, 1-star (bad) ratings that were written by persons who actually never were customers here are kept.

This behavior of Trustpilot creates a much worse score and a wrong customer experience impression about my company than what it actually should be. I am under the impression, that either the business itself or someone working there is deliberately looking for good ratings of my company and then triggers their "suspicious" algorithm. Trustpilot has not responded to any attempts to bring this to their attention either.

My question is whether any of you, who finds this post, has made similar experiences with Trustpilot?
Tak, niestety nie możesz nic z tym zrobić. Ludzie mogą zmienić zdanie w każdej chwili i algorytm zaczyna szaleć.

[courtesy admin translation]

Yes, unfortunately, you can't do anything about it. People can change their minds at any time and the algorithm starts to go crazy.
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