• The ImunifyAV extension is now deprecated and no longer available for installation.
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Issue Root login and root password in Plesk Migrator


Regular Pleskian
Server operating system version
Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS
Plesk version and microupdate number
Plesk Obsidian v18.0.48_build1800221104.10 os_Ubuntu 18.04
Facing trouble figuring out root login and root password while migrating Plesk from one AWS account to another. Is it the same username/password used to login to Plesk Admin? Help appreciated.

This is the system's "root" user that you'd use to sign on to the operating system as "root". The password is the password of that root user.
The root password of your server has been set on setup by your provider (or yourself). You cannot recover the root password. You can only change the root password after you are logged on as root or have escalated your privileges by "sudo" or "su" from your user account on the shell.
It is possible that the cursor does not move, but you can still enter something. Simply hit "Enter" when you are done and you'll see the prompt to repeat the password.
Thanks for the support.

Attached are the screenshots while trying to migrate. Not successful and help appreciated.


  • PleskMigration.pdf
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Thanks for the support.

I tried using SSH. After entering
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048
I am asked to enter passphrase or keep it empty. Opted for empty by Enter button on keyboard. This is the error message:

Saving key "/root/.ssh/id_rsa" failed: Permission denied


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According to your screenshots you are logged in with a normal user. You must be "root" in order to overwrite or create such files. So first escalate your privileges to root, e.g. "sudo su -" or "su", depending on how the system is configured.
After logged in as root user, I tried the above process. Getting this error message:

Failed to check SSH connection to the source server 'source' (

Attached are the screenshots.

Thanks in advance!


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Ensure that the server is up and there are no firewall rules that may block SSH connections to the server, then restart migration. I'd also suggest to try to use key login through an SSH client such as PuTTY so that before you try the migration with it, you can be sure that you can really login to the source using the key.
Hi DigitalSplendid. Can you check your AWS's security group to make sure that SSH port 22 isn't limited to just your IP? You'll want to make sure it's either open (not safe) or include the IP address of your new server. Since you're going from one AWS instance to another, if they're in the same VPC and have a private IP address within the same subnet, you could save yourself the hassle with the security groups by using the private IP address instead for the connection.

Also, depending on your AWS instance, the username could be different so you'll want to check that out as well. Usually, by default, you will not be able to log into the root account itself via SSH (although using the console you can) which looks like is what you're doing). If I recall correctly, when I migrated out of AWS I used the normal ec2-user account just fine for the migration.

Just a few things to check.
Hi DigitalSplendid. Can you check your AWS's security group to make sure that SSH port 22 isn't limited to just your IP? You'll want to make sure it's either open (not safe) or include the IP address of your new server. Since you're going from one AWS instance to another, if they're in the same VPC and have a private IP address within the same subnet, you could save yourself the hassle with the security groups by using the private IP address instead for the connection.

Also, depending on your AWS instance, the username could be different so you'll want to check that out as well. Usually, by default, you will not be able to log into the root account itself via SSH (although using the console you can) which looks like is what you're doing). If I recall correctly, when I migrated out of AWS I used the normal ec2-user account just fine for the migration.

Just a few things to check.


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