ART's version of Secondary DNS outlines, in it's setup procedures, the exactly configuration you'll need to setup.
Step 1) add the following line to /etc/named.conf on both servers: --both
Step 2) install the following 2 scripts into /var/named/run-root/etc This generates the secondaries.include file for your secondary server(s) -- goes on 1st box This downloads the secondaries.include from the master server(s). -- goes on 2nd box
Step 3) create a directory /var/named/run-root/var/slave owned by the named user. -- both
Step 4) Create 3 root cron jobs to generate configs, transfer files, and restart named . -- both
Step 5) add a global allow rule into the PSA database on each server for each secondary server, as root: -- both
Step 6) In the PSA control panel, log in as admin, goto Server->DNS->Add NS records for each secondary server -- 1st (master)